You Hate Me? I’ll Hate You! You Bomb Me? I’ll Bomb You!
— Peace will only be when love is in the air you breathe!
[Originally written as a Facebook Note on December 4, 2015. Note the two YouTube songs have been added.]
US private sector oil deals and military weaponry deals, supported by US government brinkmanship (much of which involves Israel), have drastically destabilized a historically fragile Middle East. The careless oligarchs reap obscene profits with little to no regard for the people who live within these nations.
For the most part, the borders of Middle Eastern states were defined by imperial conquering nations instead of by the people who live within the region.
After World War I, the British and the French, under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, assumed colonial rule in several important Middle East nations as the German-allied Ottoman Empire shattered. World War II raged on influencing military strong nations like the US and Russia to soon bully into the region. Weaponry money deals, raping oil resources and using these states for geographical military advantage.
Having suffered centuries of invasions, various practitioners of Muslim religion — notwithstanding their own inter-factional disputes — became sacrificial pawns in the Imperial game of divide and conquer over the past century.
The US established its modern stronghold when the CIA overthrew Iran’s government and installed The Shah of Iran. From then on we’ve been in deep!
Iran responded with its revolution and overthrew the Shah, so the US further cozied its relations with the Saudis. Concurrently, the CIA inspired the coup that brought Saddam Hussein into power in Iraq. Later, the US under Reagan-Bush wasted no time trumping up Saddam in what became an eight-year war with Iran.
Saddam eventually invaded Kuwait under the pretext Kuwait originally was a province of Iraq, Kuwait had stolen Iraqi oil using new slant drilling techniques and anger that Kuwait refused to forgive Iraq’s war debts when Kuwait benefited from Iraq’s war with Iran . So then the US went to war with Iraq.
Meanwhile, relations with the Saudis for oil became paramount. Sanctions were eventually placed on Iraq and Iran helping to keep Iraqi and Iranian oil off of the market, this while the Saudi-US relationship got kissy-cozy.
So next comes the Bush-Cheney Shock & Awe bombing campaign waged supposedly by ‘The Coalition of The Killing!” Interestingly, my friend, an Iraqi Shia, lost his father and brother to Saddam’s ruthless clampdown on the Shia Rebellion after Kuwait; and then he lost his mother and two sisters to Shock & Awe. The beat of fate marches on!
Meanwhile, there’s the Palestinian-Israeli everyday crisis where perpetual pain and agony persists for Palestinians who continue seeking statehood that was promised long ago but never reconciled. Meanwhile, the territory of Palestine shrinks smaller and smaller as Israel continues to encroach and seize territory. Then there’s the matter of statehood promised the Kurds which also never happened. The Kurds remain scattered throughout four different countries.
Bush-Cheney bungled its invasion of Iraq by disbanding the Baathist Party (which, despite its drawbacks, knew how to govern and keep Iraq’s electricity on despite numerous bombing campaigns). They fired the Iraqi military leadership and completely disbanded the Iraqi Army. For all of the bad of Saddam’s regime, it at least had become a secular nation and one that had a Christian vice president, more women than men attending its university system and a once viable real estate and stock market. US arrogance caused all of this to become destroyed.
Iraq’s Sunni military leaders and infantry, needing jobs and an alliance, consequently blended with Al Qaeda in eastern Syria. This enabled Al Qaeda to finally become introduced into Iraq — where it had never been when Saddam was in power. This alliance enabled the ISIS caliphate to come into formation!
Sadly, in its want for geopolitical brinkmanship, US Defense Intelligence officials misread ISIS as a “political opportunity,” rather than the enemy it had always been.
If an official or unofficial Sunni state existed in eastern Syria and middle-western Iraq, this would effectively serve as a buffer zone to isolate Lebanon and Syria, effectively blocking those nations from their powerful Iranian Shia ally. With Iraq evolving into a Shia governance influence this would mean a huge geopolitical alliance involving Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran — a territory greater in size than the US.
The thinking had to have been: This would not be good for Israel.
To prevent this, the Syrian regime had to become destabilized. US-inspired political unrest created what the media popularly described as “Arab Spring.” Syrian rebellious discontent became coupled to severe drought-like conditions all of which forced large Syrian migration movements of people (pre-civil war).
The localized Syrian rebellion was seeded by the newly-formed territory-hungry ISIS, which continued gaining strength from weaponry, monetary and logistical support from the West, Turkey and the Saudi and Emirate nations.
The US thinking had to include the possibility a new US-friendly Syrian government, together with the new ISIS buffer nation, would not only help Israel but also might stabilize the pesky quagmire of Iraq’s Shia v. Sunni age-worn conflicts. Perhaps there’d also become a bonus bargaining chip for the US with its Iran nuclear negotiations. Whatever the motivation, except for the US-Iranian Agreement which became real, everything else went afoul!
Hello Russia!
Because of the greed of US private corporate interests involving oil, weapons and infrastructure contracts, because of the want for geo-global military advantage and because of the desire to overly protect Israel, the desperate needs, welfare and self-determination of Arab and Persian people were woefully ignored. Does economic wealth injustice exist in America? You bet! Does this same condition apply to the Middle East? You bet!
Hello Western Oligarchy!
Western respect for ordinary citizens of these troubled Middle Eastern lands has been and continues today as non-existent. But Jesus, who came from there, is most a most welcome dude in America! Of the family of Jesus, we sing: Away in A Manger!
When you think about it, the questions aren’t begging. They should be obvious and easily rooted into one solid fundamental question: Why do Muslims in general hate Westerners?
Well, it goes like this:
You hate me? I’ll hate you! You bomb me? I’ll bomb you! You shoot me? I’ll shoot you! You don’t like me? I won’t like you! You take from me? I’ll try and take from you — But I can’t. You see, America — its Coalition of the Killing — is a bully nation intent only on conquest for capitalism.
The number of Muslim nations America has bombed and the number of Middle Eastern nations where the US has military bases:
The below song begins with a one-minute moment of silence: