Why Potential For War
[NOTE: Much of this text was originally written on Steemit on April 12, 2018, under the title of: “Why War in Syria? Petro Dollar!”]
The critical reason for the manufactured crisis in Syria is the US Petro Dollar will eventually become threatened by introduction of the Chinese Petro Yuan which entered international trading markets at the beginning of April.
The world’s largest importer of oil since 2010, China economically and militarily has recently aligned with Russia. The two super powers have especially teamed on the Belt Road Initiative (BRI) which aims, using green infrastructure, to reopen ancient Silk Road land and sea trading routes. This will involve Eurasia, the Baltics, the Middle East, the Stan nations and lower Asia. Future prospects for this project could become a powerful lure for both Europe and India to eventually join, perhaps Japan.
The above amounts to a bottom line serious threat to the economic interests of the United States. However, this threat is not to America’s people, but rather towards the economic interests of US oligarchs who annually see around 90% of America’s generated wealth go into directly into their pockets!
Soon to see its Arctic resources combine with its Siberian resources, Russia leads the world in oil production recently surpassing Saudi Arabia. Also noteworthy is China’s Petro Yuan is backed by China as the world’s number one producer of gold. Russia is third on this list.
One must ask what now supports America’s Petro Dollar? Is it a combination of debt and gold (US is #4 in gold production)? For many decades the US Petro Dollar has teamed with Saudi Arabia to dominate the world’s oil markets. On the scale of world karma the Saudis are a suspect ally.
So now you see the nitty-gritty of it all.
It might also make sense to consider the role the BRICS nations (Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa) will play in the future, especially as the Yuan influence strengthens. The BRICS nations comprise lots of consumer power, 41% of the earth’s population. Already, Venezuela — #1 in proven oil reserves — has forsaken the Petro Dollar and BRICS is now appealing to many South and Latin American nations. [NOTE: Since this was originally written, Brazil has seen a right wing extremist take power — will Venezuela take Brazil’s place?]
What’s This Got To Do With Syria?
It’s a hard cold economic reality that Russia presently supplies most of Europe with its oil.
To help protect the value of its Petro Dollar the US desperately wants an oil pipeline to reach from Saudi Arabia, through Syria and Turkey on into Europe, this as an effort to steal Russia’s oil sales to Europe. Not only would this hurt Russia, it would help to keep the US Petro Dollar strong — like flying two balloons on one string!
Russia has long been Syria’s ally. Russia has two major international naval ports. One is located on the northern coast of Syria where it positions its Mediterranean Fleet in Tartus. The other is Crimea (recently again becoming part of Russia) where it ports its Black Sea Fleet, this since the time of clipper ships. Both seas connect through Turkey’s Straits of Bosporus. It is thus in Russia’s national security interests that both of these ports remain protected.
When Syrian president Bashar al-Assad said no to the northern pipeline proposal — for obvious reasons given its alliance with Russia — Syrian regime change became a primary goal of the United States, Saudi Arabia and also Israel. The greasy reality is that Israel illegally (according to UN mandates) annexed Syria’s Golan Heights and has discovered huge oil reserves there. A Dick Cheney-connected oil company is now drilling for that oil. Regime change in Syria would also favor Israel getting to permanently keep the Golan Heights where it also draws 60% of its water supply.
When one factors all of the above, the reason becomes clear why the United States has armed, trained and provided intelligence and air cover for the ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists — using them as an international excuse to allow a US military foothold in Syria. The US also has been using the SDF Kurds, who want statehood, as its proxy occupying military force in Syria.
Plan-A was to help create civil war to remove Assad from power. Plan-B was to use ISIS and Al Qaeda to overthrow Assad. Plan-C, until the recent chemical incident, has been to fractionate Syria into separate territories. This is why the US, via the Kurds, now occupy Syria’s oil-rich territory east of the Euphrates River, and perhaps also why Turkey has now invaded northwestern Syria. Israel will keep the Golan Heights. All three countries taking an important piece of Syria.
But now photos of dead women and children — from what appears as a staged chemical incident — have been planted into the consciousness of the world in order to justify a possible US, NATO, Saudi and Arabian military action. Unless reasonable minds prevail this could set the table for the aforementioned nations to go against Syria, Russia, Iran, Lebanon and China in what could amount to World War III.
The bottom line? Sadly, dead women and children become inconsequential when trillions of dollars are at stake! Perhaps consider this is why the median age of the Middle Eastern population is so young (low-20's) — pitifully, way too many have died in the cause for oil!
The US, with its present Syrian occupation illegal under international law, will not give up its hold on Syria as it sees Syria as a staging area for any future conflict with Iran and it aims to isolate Syria from Iran. With US and NATO relations with Turkey now complicated could a new Irclik-like air base, now in Turkey, become situated in the new Kurd-controlled Syrian territory?
Please do pray for the well-being of reasonable thinkers!
[Interesting Fact: For every dollar the US spends on renewable energy, China spends three dollars. Where there was once an American Dream there is today a Chinese Dream.]