What Ordinary Democrats Fail To Understand
— Trump Russiagate/Ukrainegate attacks may seem like a hardy payback for how GOPwingers treated Obama, but it’s a urine-poor strategy!
Much like I predicted months ago, Trump is now posturing anti-war rhetoric what with his recent Syria move and judging from his tweets. I predict as his re-election campaign evolves he’ll make a major announcement concerning troop withdrawal in Afghanistan and perhaps also what will essentially amount to some meaningless action with respect to Yemen.
Why would he do this given he frequently, and egotistically, boosts about America’s military might in an obnoxious and threatening manner?
Throughout his first term in office, his threatening rhetoric has been meant to appeal only to his hardcore political base. It’s also been his only tool to soothe and quiet Democrats as Democratic leadership, ever since Reagan-Bush, have always sought not to appear weak on defense issues.
Think back to how Democrats cheered on Trump’s two illegal missile strikes inside of Syria, his bully moves on Venezuela and how Democrats in Congress supported his three 700+ billion dollar defense budgets. Add both Joe Biden and Liz Warren into this unwieldy mix of mules!
If you examine Trump’s behavior closely, you’ll notice he’s always kept the option open that he could become viewed as an anti-war candidate while bragging he’s kept America out of a full-blown war. On this, he holds an edge as neither political party publicly postulates the use of private mercenary soldiers. Forget not Eric Prince, of Blackwater fame, has the ear of Trump and both are profitcentric!
My theory is Trump & his GOPwinger political operatives are banking on a political strategy the DNC will screw over Bernie Sanders a second time, possibly from a contentious deadlocked convention. This will mean the GOPwingers will use the resultant anger, and Trump’s seemingly anti-war posture, to help influence as many voters as possible — especially Independent voters — to stay home and not vote for Democrats in the 2020 election.
It’s important to not forget there is a very strong component of our citizenry who genuinely think: “I’m not gonna vote, my vote doesn’t count — they’re all the same crooked politicians!” Now juxtaposition this with the simple fact that most people do not perceive Bernie Sanders as that kind of politician!
Lots of voters stayed home during the 2016 election, and that’s precisely how Trump won. Be forewarned Republicans traditionally win national elections when voter turn-out is low.
Democrats are making a grave error not fully getting behind the candidacy of Bernie Sanders who is perceived by almost all as the only true antidote to Trump. Indeed, Sanders would draw a very strong wave of Independent voters (over 40% of the electorate) that would resoundingly help to defeat Trump. Bernie took seven of every 10 Independents in 2016. This was why he always led Trump by double digits in 2016 polling.
The political coat-tails of Sanders will also prove weighty for Democrats to capture a majority of the US House, US Senate, gubernatorial seats and state legislatures. The make-up of the Supreme Court and the 2020 Census leading to congressional redistricting, make Democratic victories imperative!
GOPwinger political operatives know without Sanders as Trump’s opponent, they stand a good chance of picking up a strong share of the frustrated Independent vote. Coupled with the GOPwinger Crossheck computerized voter elimination system, in play in 27 states (including WI, MI and PA), and a weak Democratic nominee who’d be swift-boated as an elitist — Trump could easily win re-election.
So all ye good Democrats, please put your thinking caps on and wear them wisely. Liz Warren, parading as a DNC-spawned progressive, is only muddying the waters for what could become an historical and much-needed progressive Sanders victory in America! The nation has moved rightward ever since Reagan-Bush — it’s time, for America’s working people to reverse this wretched curse of oligarchy! And we’re not gonna do it with a phony-like Warren — her teapot will not win America’s Rust Belt!
It’s time to begin thinking of both political parties as Oligarch Protection Units (OPU). The 2014 Princeton Study on Oligarchy proved America’s party-pedigreed politicians govern for corporations, not for the needs of people. There is a reason why America is now internationally rated as a “flawed democracy” (look it up!).
Why else does America, a nation with two expansive oceans east and west and friendly neighbors north and south, need 1,000 worldwide military bases and successive 700 billion dollar defense budgets, substantially greater than the defense budgets of other nations, including Russia and China, combined?
Consider America’s long-described military-industrial complex has now morphed into America’s military-media-industrial complex. With a monopolized media whereby five corporations control 90% of all media, indeed, oligarchy has become well in tune with itself!
Since Reagan-Bush, America’s CEOs saw a 940% increase in salary compared to only a 12% increase for workers! Our American Dream has collapsed and way too many labor unions have fallen. Under both Obama and Trump administrations, 85 to 95% of all new wealth created in America has gone to fat cats at the top!
These obscene numbers are meant only to protect the OPU interests of the donor class of both political parties! Our presidential elections have become: Whose OPU oligarchs will win?
Trump Is Not Anti-War!
Finally, keep in mind that if Trump is re-elected expect full-blown war as it could become his excuse to declare himself, under emergency executive powers, worthy of a third-term in the presidency. Oligarchs and the money interests won’t care as they’ll continue raking in all the dough. The fate of humanity, people in general, will suffer!