What Happened to Jeffrey Epstein
Shortly after the announcement Epstein died, I conducted an internet straw poll using strawpoll.com. Essentially, wherever there was a news report, an update or substantial Twitter and Facebook discussion on the Epstein affair, I published the poll seeking opinion as to what happened.
An internet straw poll is by no means scientific, and the sampling of only 100 is certainly small. However, where the poll was published represents a cross-section of left and right political viewpoints. For the record, I’ve long opposed both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Below are the first 100 responses representing a mixed bag of people:
64 % (64 votes)Someone hung Epstein.
22 % (22 votes)1st suicide was a trial run — Epstein now free…
10 % (10 votes)Safeguards were in place, the system worked.
4 % (4 votes)Epstein hung himself.
Remarkably only four respondents thought Epstein actually hung himself; whereas 85% thought illicit activity was involved with the cause of his death or a possible CIA-Mossad-type escape from prison. Move over El Chapo, you’ve been trumped (pun intended)— lol!
After all, Trump did manage to silence Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, rendering him incapable of exposing Trump-Pence like Assange did with Bush-Cheny and Obama-Biden. I submit Assange would have discovered much more negative activity on Trump than Mueller. Democrats shot themselves in the foot by abandoning the high ground with respect to Wikileaks.
The bottom line is very few people seem to trust the government’s version of events and this remains on a wide range of subjects.
Do the powers that be hope Epstein’s death will eventually fade in a controlled and monopolized media (five companies control 90% of all US media), much like the deaths of Seth Rich, Jamal Khashoggi or the folks who were tragically murdered at the Las Vegas concert? That life will go on as normal?
Well, sorry folks. I must report the new normal is there is no normal anymore, especially since we live under an oligarchy-controlled government predicated on greed, power and privilege.
It’s time to elect a new kind of politician. The pedigreed politicians past and present have only failed us. Consider electing the man who for 30 years has repeatedly warned about the destruction of America’s middle class, who repeatedly warned about the folly of perpetual war, who repeatedly warned us against the pitfall of ignoring sound climate and species-sensitive policies and who repeatedly decried America’s need for a sound health care system, good jobs and educational opportunities for all people, not a few!
30 Years of Bernie Sanders Speeches:
Let’s put the misery behind us and elect Bernie Sanders!
America hasn’t had a sound people-oriented president since JFK was shot. Jimmy Carter tried, but his attempt at a good presidency got rubbed out by Reagan-Bush pro-war, anti-union, anti-environment, privatizing and imprisoning GOPwingers. Sadly the Clinton corporate Democrats, except for god, gun and gay issues, joined them!
Wake up, America! The whole world is watching and wanting America to become a leader in solving the world’s problems!
Finally, bless the courage and strength of those victims who have stepped forward seeking justice. Bless those who want a better world than what exists today. Bless those who call for returning to the Indigenous ways of our ancestors who saw the beauty and spirit world of nature and a clean and wholesome environment.