Warren Voters In The Driver’s Seat To Determine Democratic Nominee

— A Sanders female VP running mate is actually the easiest path for America’s first female president.

Michael Weddle
5 min readAug 22, 2019

Look at nearly all of the 2020 polling. Progressives lead corporate centrist Democrats by nearly two to one, even in a crowded field of nearly two dozen candidates.

The Marvel Hero Team-Up of Sanders and Warren leaves Biden and the others deep in the dust. Bernie has the most money and most small donors, the greatest grassroots political organization of volunteers in history and tremendous name recognition from his 2016 campaign where he set the table for a much-needed, much-wanted political revolution. Importantly, he’s also perceived as the most honest politician of all political figureheads in America.

Reasonable questions would be: If you truly believe in a progressive America why are you not supporting him with all you’ve got? Is your PhD or college education inhibiting you from figuring this one out — are you having trouble backing the greatest and most determined anti-war, pro-labor, pro-environment, pro-health care, criminal justice reform candidate since JFK & FDR? Isn’t that odd!

Since Reagan-Bush, CEO pay has risen 940%; worker pay only 12%. Under Obama & Trump 85–95% of all generated wealth went to the fat cats at the top!

It’s a clear fact were Liz Warren — whose largest body of support comes from college-educated — not in the race, Sanders would be running away with the nomination. Corporate-centrist Biden would then be asking himself: “Is this even worth the effort?” Instead, Biden’s hopes are well-kept alive because the present trajectory has Biden, Warren and Sanders on a three-way split for delegates, meaning neither will have enough to win a 1st ballot nomination.

Any Warren supporter should also be asking: Is supporting her worth the risk of Democrats losing the presidency? Sanders has very strong support among Independent voters, many of whom reside in the mid-western and rust belt states. Bernie leads all candidates among black voters and he has leagues of young voters,who care about their futures, backing him. Warren has none of this.

Strong voter turnout wins elections for the Democrats, but Independent voters are seriously needed!

Were the DNC sincerely intent on winning for people and not for oligarchy, it would not be wasting its DNC war room time trying to prop Warren as a straw candidate to deflate the Sanders vote, it wouldn’t be wasting efforts on expanding closed primary states (where Independent voters can’t vote, even though their taxes pay for the election) to limit the Sanders vote and it wouldn’t be busy converting pro-Sanders caucus states into primary states hoping for a different result.

By all means the DNC should be expanding on Sanders’ appeal to Independent voters — not trying to diminish it. It should wholeheartedly be striving towards voter expansion efforts to bring on board as many Independent voters as possible.

The Warren Voters

Realistically, the Warren voters will actually determine the next Democratic nominee. Think. Were Warren’s progressive voters added onto Bernie’s column, Sanders would be ahead of Biden by nearly two the one and Bernie would easily be on his way towards the nomination.

One should wisely consider whomever the Democratic nominee becomes, if it’s not Sanders, they will determine whether the oligarchs for the Democrats or the oligarchs for the Republicans control the presidency.

If the Democratic nominee is Warren will she be as risky as was Clinton against Trump? Will the GOPwinger swift boat named “Pocahontas,” among other weaknesses and inconsistencies, take her down? It’s very possible.

I, and others, strongly suspect Warren’s strategy in this game is to become the vice presidential candidate to a centrist-corporate Democrat (likely Biden) and it appears this is worth more to her than progressives winning the election.

A Biden-Warren Ticket? No Thanks!

Note that Warren was very strange on the Occupy Movement fighting for income equality, a No-Show on Standing Rock where over 400 Native tribes fought for clean water over oil pipelines and, notably, she was mysteriously absent during Bernie’s revolutionary 2016 presidential campaign.

It truly amazes me how the combination of the drug war and pedigreed politicians from within both political parties helps to build and secure fertile ground for oligarchy winning elections (see 2014 Princeton Study on Oligarchy).

As the theory goes, a dumbed-down or manipulated electorate will never get it right — it might not even vote — and there’s certainly more than enough corporate money around to wage influence among those who do vote. Shoveling out a few billion in order to make a trillion becomes an attractive business proposition for America’s oligarchs.

File under: The Tricks and Traps of Mainstream Politics!

Be wise, don’t get hooked for Warren and vote for Bernie. Let’s finally put this evilness behind us once and for all. Our children and our climate beg for our resolve!



Michael Weddle

Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!