Prophetic March 16, 2016 Prediction
— This post came through today as a Facebook Memory
>>>Hillary Clinton is a dud!
Where Sanders draws 30,000, she’ll draw 300. Where Sanders grabs seven out of 10 independent voters in Michigan, Clinton nabs only three.
How can anyone expect her to have any coat-tails in the general election? She’ll become victimized by Trump and lose the presidency, the house and the senate! Wake up Democratic leadership … Wake Up!
And she’s proven, against Sanders, she can’t win out of the South. She only won Ohio because Ohio’s independent voters opted for GOP ballots, instead of Democratic ballots, in order to support home state Ohio governor Kasich’s Anti-Trump Movement. Otherwise she has only tied in IA, NV and MA outside of the South.<<<
There’s a reason why I came in #3 out of 220,000 participants in CNN’s 2016 Political Prediction Contest. All I won for my effort was what they said I’d get back when CNN first began the contest: Bragging rights! I was also designated by, an international writer’s forum, as a Top Political Writer for the 2016 election.
I’d also point out I’ve been right about Russiagate, Julian Assange’s wrongful imprisonment, the war in Syria, the attempted US coup in Venezuela, the Ukrainian deNazification Campaign and on the increasing evolution, with Russian support, of China’s Belt Road Initiative and its implications.
Perhaps one of those playful Facebook apps tells it best — lol!
Since you can’t elect me, ignore my writing at your own risk! OK, I’m going back to being humble again — lol!