Prophetic April 2016 Facebook Post
— Democrats Lost by Rigging Primary for Hillary Clinton
2 min readApr 27, 2020
[Originally published as a Facebook post on April 26, 2016 at 10:45 PM (graphics added)]
We’ve learned something from tonight’s election. Due to stupid mainstream Democrats (or ghost machine Democrats) all in line with the DNC ‘fix,’ eight things are gonna happen:
- Democrats will lose the White House.
- Democrats will lose the House.
- Democrats will lose the Senate.
- Democrats will lose the ability to pick Supreme Court justices.
- Democrats will lose the ability to pick Federal Court justices.
- Democrats will lose the ability to pick the Washington DC Federal Court justices (the second most important court in the nation).
- Democrats will lose the ability to pick the justices who will serve on the (NSA) Spy Court.
- Democrats will lose the ability to appoint those who will serve on the (NSA) Spy Court of Appeals.
In effect? Democrats have lost America as we’ve always known it! And to make matters worse, think of all the executive and diplomatic appointments that will be made from a GOPwinger perspective.
Why? There is no way Clinton will beat Trump!