Plausible Explanation for Venezuelan Blackout & Government Response
Tragedy fits into recent pattern of events plaguing Venezuela’s government — US attempts to spawn a coup
The below information was posted on Moon of Alabama, on March 9th, as Comment #37. Clearly, the poster is knowledgeable.
>>>from what I am reading;
Guri is a 10–12+ gigawatt hydroelectric dam. There are no nuclear reactors that generate significantly more than a gigawatt in the United States. There are very few facilities in the United States that generate much more than two gigawatts total. 10–12 gigawatts is a MONSTER facility of epic global significance. Guri was the third largest generating station in the entire world. So what happened? Again, from what I am reading, Stuxnet is most likely.
Someone(s) got into the PLC controllers. Whatever they installed attacked the systems that regulated water flow through the valves on the dam that send the water to the turbines(this is precisely the type of attack Stuxnet is supposed to be made for) and opened the valves all the way. They via whatever virus they planted, (probably Stuxnet) then told the engineers, via the readouts, that the water flows and turbine speeds were normal. With an enormous amount of pressure from the dam, the turbines managed to push ahead of phase on the rest of Venezuela’s grid, got into an enormous tug-of-war with power stations elsewhere (after viruses also turned the protection off) and blew everything up, tripping a nationwide blackout with long term severe damage.
Guri went online in the late 80’s, and got all new generators and hardware in 2010, under a socialist system. Far from being a disheveled piece of junk like the MSM claims, Guri was a STATE OF THE ART BUGATTI of a dam.
The U.S. has ZERO generating facilities that are that modern, and none that are significantly over 20 percent of its size, even if they are nuclear or coal powered. This is the third largest power station in the world and state of the art.
The ongoing blackouts support this theory as it took Iran months to clean Stuxnet out of their systems.
My guess is they will now go after the water and waste treatment plants as was done in Syria, Iraq, Libya..My heart is in my throat for these poor people.
Posted by: frances | Mar 9, 2019 6:43:13 PM | 37<<<