Old Eyes Observing Young Action

If only I, too, had wings!

Michael Weddle
2 min readMay 29, 2019
Bay Scene From My Deck

A Day In A Life

Although my bayside neighborhood has been left wanting for sunshine, it’s at least been a cool birdy morning in my world. Several baby starlings, hatched from the corner nest of my house, whom I’ve observed fledging treetops the past couple of days, are today enjoying first-ever flights of distance.

Several neighborhood starlings — relatives or friends? — have joined the action. They’re fluttering about, encouraging the little ones to take longer winged journeys atop roofs, telephone wiring and nearby trees. Clearly, they’re having a blast! Every now and then one or a few will wing out over the bay, negotiate a U-ie and then return to a nearby perch.

My two cats, Winkles and Twinkles, have been watching this in awe all morning long. I have a strong sense my cats, like me, wish they too had wings — lol!

Meanwhile, two wise all-knowing crows sit highly perched atop a pole observing the whole scene, which also includes a cute sparrow couple tending their nest in the bird house I’ve located off my 3rd floor deck. Soon they’ll have babies too. I’ve hung an upside-down umbrella under their bird house so tiny-tiny baby sparrows, when born, won’t fall. I like to always think the friendly birds know I’m on their side.

[NOTE: Below is a YouTube site and okay to click. It’s a short video showing the bird house off my deck. The scene is the birdhouse where the sparrows live and a squirrel’s nest built about three feet above the birdhouse.]

Not to become outdone by those with wings, two tiny baby squirrels — whose parents set up a condo in my attic — dance in a fast chase along tree branches, pausing now and then eat leafy seeds from what will become helicopters to flutter downward captured by wind.

Below, is what the starlings sound like. Imagine this multiplied by a dozen or more with the sound of crow chirps and tiny sparrow sounds joining the song of it all.

[NOTE: Again, a YouTube link, okay to click]

All of this has made for a coupla wonderful cups of coffee!

Life is Good!



Michael Weddle
Michael Weddle

Written by Michael Weddle

Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!

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