No Wonder Democrats Had Mike Dukakis In A Tank!

— Might as well put Nancy Pelosi in a tank!

Michael Weddle
3 min readOct 25, 2019

In the aftermath of George McGovern’s 1972 presidential candidacy calling for strong labor on domestic policy and for an anti-war platform as foreign policy, the only similar advocates Democrats have seen since has been Paul Wellstone, Jesse Jackson, Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders and now Tulsi Gabbard. The only time throughout Donald Trump’s troubled presidency Democrats have ever cheered Trump on was when he twice lobbed cruise missiles into Syria.

Now listen to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s below Twitter recording message to the Hong Kong protesters, almost as if nothing else is going on in the world:

Perhaps Speaker Pelosi should provide the same kind of encouragement to the women, children and elderly who live under where the US is bombing in seven nations. The median age of citizens in those nations is near 20 years of age. Here in America, the median age is 38!

Anyone, besides myself, think this is disgusting? You bet it is!

One could also ask Speaker Pelosi if she’d deliver the same kind of message to Venezuelans who have seen the US attempt a coup on their government while stealing their oil and gold, or a message to the Syrians who have seen the US illegally occupy its sovereign territory — Israel with US permission and capitalist overlords), stealing Syrian oil in the Golan Heights; and the US stealing Syrian oil northeast of the Euphrates River. Does Pelosi ever think to mention anything about Haliburton’s profits from the US War on Iraq?

Pelosi instead looks on adoringly, like a cherry pie aunt, as former Vice President Joe Biden pins the medal of liberty onto George W. Bush! Meanwhile, Chuck Schumer, his elbows out and carving knife in hand, dishes out more military meat at the holiday table where former President Barack Obama sits in moot silence.

More disgust? You bet!

Why is Trump’s USA on the wrong side of Libyan militants now waging war against UN-sanctioned Libyan forces? And why did US Democrats, and Trump too, have no problem at all supporting Nazis and fascists in Ukraine simply because Russia took back Crimea where its Black Sea navy had been ported since the time of clipper ships?

Given the Russian death toll from World War II why wouldn’t Russia want to block Nazis and fascists in Eastern Ukraine? More puzzling is why would the US even support such scum?

Then there are the millions of people now protesting against inequality and corruption in Argentina, Barcelona, Chile, Ecuador, France, Haiti, Iraq and Lebanon. Speaker Pelosi, do you have any message for them? Or what about the poor folk squeezed in the Kashmir? Do you hold a message for those living in Yemen or are you just cool and comfortable with US troops now being placed in Saudi Arabia?

Importantly, where lie your sympathies for the Extinction Rebellion protests? And how about Indigenous people being driven from their lands in the rain forests? Are there any Pelosi words of encouragement for them? I can’t wait for Pelosi’s Thanksgiving and Christmas message to America’s homeless!

You know what, Speaker Pelosi — and please pass this on to your buddy Schumer? Vladimir Putin is a better Democrat than both of you! This is proven by reading Putin’s last two state of the union speeches relative to domestic policy, while comparing your own inaction here in America.

Indeed, non anti-war/oligarch-friendly Democrats are both pitiful and pathetic!

PS: Although not commonly reported, based on my memory and observation, the 1988 DNC had the presidential nomination fixed for Dukakis as almost all of the pedigreed Democrats lined up to support him, much like they did Hillary Clinton in 2016. You need to realize that Democrats don’t win when they behave like Republicans.

The only way for a Democrat to defeat a Republican is to become the antidote of GOPwingerism. This is precisely what spawns high voter turnout! Folks, please support the 2020 presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders — it’s time for a new day in America, one similar to the American Dream!



Michael Weddle
Michael Weddle

Written by Michael Weddle

Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!

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