Military Occupation Has Become Obsolete!

Michael Weddle
5 min readDec 23, 2018


Share The Worlds Resources — Don’t Go To War For Them!

A crucial question media ignores

Since World War II, notwithstanding outright military coups or economic control of democratically-elected governments, when is the last time a military power enjoyed and successfully occupied a land of people not wanting occupation?

China in Tibet? The US in Korea or Vietnam? Turkey and Greece in Cyprus? Moreover, Turkey can’t militarily solve its problem with the Kurds. India and Pakistan have long been stalemated over the Kashmir. The Soviet Union in Afghanistan? Azerbaijan and Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh? The US in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria? US attempts at Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela? Then there’s the pesky matter of Israel occupying Palestine — how’s that going?

Western media now claims Russia recently occupied Crimea. However, since the days of clipper ships where Russia historically has maintained its Black Sea naval fleet, Crimea has always been Russian except briefly when Khrushchev gifted it to Ukraine. Following Putin’s annexation of Crimea, without any war and principally due to the instability in Ukraine, the Crimean people, (80% of whom are and speak Russian) voted to rejoin Russia. Crimea, in fact, is a friendly and welcome occupation much to the chagrin of Ukraine and its NATO backers.

Let’s agree. The world has changed largely due to communication technologies and military occupation no longer works like it once did throughout history.

Hot tip! The US occupying Iran won’t work either!

Should Politicians Make an Oath for Peace as Well as An Oath for Office?

US president Donald Trump recently made a bold statement the US will cease occupying Syria and will halve its military complement in Afghanistan. If Trump held an intellectual capacity and a wider view of the world this might be well and good. However, Trump is all about money. The US defense industry will continue to profit and very likely private mercenary armies will often supplant US soldiers. An oil pipeline investor himself, nothing has changed regarding Trump’s penchant for oil profits.

Trump will continue to enable Israel to realize its vast oil profits in Syria’s Golan Heights and gas profits from both Israeli and Lebanese (more thievery) coastal waters. He’ll continue working with oil rich Saudi Arabia and Emirate nations in order to keep the Petro Dollar predominate as long as possible, adding in US profits from America’s new found fracking industry.

A US occupying tactic of a different kind is rarely discussed in the media. it is the want of the US to keep certain oil off of the market. For example, the War on Iraq succeeded keeping Iraq’s oil off of the market for a very long time, keeping the Saudis very happy. A further goal is also to inhibit Russia wherever and wherever possible. The US will also do all it can to prevent the oil potential from both Iran and Venezuela.

What’s sad is innocent people dying and injured under bombs, home displacement hand the threats from climate change are second-fiddle considerations. Nothing beats making a dollar for fat cat military-industrialists as monopolized banking and media tag long in the profit-making.

So what in the world of profiteering comes next? Indeed, another not-yet-discussed doozy is waiting in the mill. From the words of the Greek foreign minister, “We Will Crush Them.” Indeed, Greece and Turkey are once again on the brink of war.

I could see this one coming a bit ago:

One question remains: Will capitalism realize and correct its evil ways in time to save our world from climate destruction?

So long as right wing governments keep getting elected this is doubtful. But forget not it was Democratic President Barrack Obama who built America into an oil exporting nation and supported big banking in the process. The leadership of the Democratic Party can no longer hide under the embrace of leftist political thinkers. For all intents and purposes it has become only a little less rightwing than the Republicans.

So America needs a huge change. As also does the United Kingdom. If we are to have any hope for a better world America needs to elect Bernie Sanders and England needs to elect Jeremy Corbyn. China and Russia have teamed on an enormous project called The Belt Road Initiative (BRI), meant to reopen, using green infrastructure, the ancient Silk Road land and sea trading routes.

Presently, the US is doing all in its power — both militarily and diplomatically — to block the success of the BRI. Notably, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran will make up a Cross Shia Crescent (together comprising a territory as large as the US) and will become prime participants in the BRI project. Now consider the imperative geographical positioning of Turkey as a gateway and consider that Iran is a gateway to the Stan region of the world leading into lower Asisa. Most likely, India and much of Europe will eventually embrace the BRI.

The BRI is also supported by the new Chinese Yuan (backed by gold) and ultimately down the road will become capable of competing with the US Petro Dollar (backed by debt). Significantly, China and Russia are ranked as numbers 1 and 3 in terms of gold production.

I doubt Goldman Sachs or Citigroup-types, especially Trump-types, are gonna solve our worldwide problems, especially with respect to climate change.

I do, however, envision a world-saving team of politicians comprised of a strong intellectual capacity and an understanding for human sensitivity. They are as follows:

Justin Trudeau of Canada, Bernie Sanders of America and Lopez Obrador of Mexico from the Northern Hemisphere; combined with Jeremy Corbyn (UK), Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China) of Eurasia.

But none of the above names will accomplish anything unless they pay close attention to Earth’s Indigenous Peoples Movements!



Michael Weddle
Michael Weddle

Written by Michael Weddle

Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!

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