Michael Weddle Prophetic Facebook Post on November 13, 2015 at 12:42 PM
— The post came through as a Facebook Memory
“The ONLY sensible candidate running, among all of them, is Bernie Sanders. Not only has he aptly identified the necessary issues, he has a history of action which supports what he advocates, he’s rejected ‘big money’ into the political process and he has vowed to strengthen America’s middle class and give hope to poor folks, especially our veterans who have suffered the consequences of mostly Republican-led or escalated wars.
“On the Dem side, Sanders is a way superior candidate than is Hillary Clinton. Clinton continually adjusts her positions to fit what her political strategists require of her. Significantly, she’s too cozy with Wall Street (her campaign contributions confirm this!). Given the current likelihood of a corporate media campaign to now plant a Clinton v. Trump match-up in the minds of voters, the oligarchs will — they are now — circle their wagons around Clinton given the volatility of Trump. Remember, a Clinton v. Trump match-up will mean great money for the media. The media tried very hard to create a paginated match-up of Clinton v. Bush, but Bush has proven feeble on the campaign trail, thus the Trump alternative.”