A Long Memo to The DNC
— It’s time to say “Uncle” to The Bernie Sanders Campaign
The Bernie Sanders Campaign is a political movement that not only wants to but is changing the dynamics of politics in America. The 2014 Princeton Study on Oligarchy has proven the political system governs not for people but for corporations. The behavior of the DNC and the manner to which it backed Hillary Clinton in 2016 provides further evidence to the Princeton study finding.
From FDR to JFK it was commonly known by everyone that “Democrats were for people and Republicans were for profits.” But this changed markedly after Ronald Reagan and ex-CIA director George H.W. Bush assumed their pivotal GOPwinger presidency. Sadly, Democrats Clinton and Obama, like dutiful back-up quarterbacks, also governed on behalf of oligarchy. America became a Fat Cat Field Day for the likes of Dick Cheney, Jeff Bezos, The Walmart family, Donald Trump and media moguls, et. al.!
The US oligarchy and its need to feed — after decades of raping, pillaging and exploiting third world labor for oil, diamonds, gold, silver, copper, tin, timber and rubber and whatnot — eventually began feeding off of America’s middle class and poor after it discovered the dictatorships it once propped up became fewer due to an increase in worldwide communications and technology.
In America today, everyone knows the American Dream is out of reach. Too many folks are relegated to live within an underground economy where drug gangs, weapons proliferation and inside connections rather than genuine opportunity rule the day. Today’s America sees way too many folks riddled in debt, trying to get ahead with the right scratch ticket or winning the lottery. Many could care less whether they raise a foul-mouth child, or not — there’s no future for the child anyways.
Indeed, the American Dream has been supplanted with hopelessness!
What prevails is America’s Oligarch Enrichment Project supported by an Oligarch Protection Unit (OPU), i.e., the two mainstream political parties ruled by corporate lobbyists and consultants. America, for the past few years, has been rated a “flawed democracy.” Even the UN is shocked at how America runs its pedigreed elections.
Now Comes The Bernie Sanders Movement
In the spirit of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F. Kennedy and Malcolm-X now comes Bernie Sanders whose shown the courage to bring forth the message of Jesse Jackson’s 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns. Jackson’s speeches set the table for the Sanders campaign to bring into reality. But let’s add a new name onto this list: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court Justice who long throughout her career has advocated for peace, social justice and rights for all.
Justice Ginsburg, after suffering several medical setbacks involving cancer, just got whacked with another as she’s now diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a malignant tumor recently removed. However, were she to succumb to her illness while on the court, this would enable Donald Trump to treacherously select his third conservative judge. Praise be to the courage and determination of Justice Ginsburg who hangs on in hope for Democrats to win in 2020.
Democrats Must Win The 2020 Election
It is time to return to what was once known: “Democrats stand for people and Republicans stand for profits.”
Sickened by eight years of Bush-Cheney, the electorate placed its hope in a self-proclaimed progressive champion, Barack Obama. But eight years of Obama-Biden continued as an oligarch feeding ground as CEO pay increased 940% since Reagan, and 95% of all wealth created during Obama went to the fat cats at the top. The same holds true with Trump-Pence!
Trump became president because he masqueraded as a political outsider when the electorate had no intention of voting for a political insider. Bernie Sanders was the preferred outsider and he led Trump by double digits in all polling, but the DNC rigged the primary to insider Clinton’s favor and she became the nominee, despite the warnings of not only Sanders voters but some political analysts sporting wisdom.
Voters realizing the collapse of the middle class — many of whom lost homes due to corruption within our banking system, many with friends and family falling through the cracks — have seriously tried to use their votes to escape economic inequality, climatic ruin and perpetual militarism resulting from the leadership of both political parties.
But oligarchs have always controlled nominees of both parties and Congress has been steadfast packed full of lobbyist-pedigreed politicians with money pockets and guidance from the OPU! Self-proclaimed supposed-outsider presidents Obama and Trump both have proven fake and oligarch-friendly only.
What’s On The Line For After The 2020 Election
Five whoppers (choose your order of priority):
- Supreme Court — The next president will appoint a replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and perhaps another justice.
- Congressional Redistricting — After the 2020 census, the 2020 Congress will determine the congressional redistricting for the next 10 years. For the past 10 years, GOPwingers have controlled the House for four out of five terms. The last thing Democrats want is for Republicans to redistrict the next 10 years!
- Climate Change — After Trump’s total inaction on climate change, the next US president will need perform double, triple-duty or more to help save our planet, get America off of fossil fuels and protect a future for our children.
- Full-Blown War — Although history has shown a US war president always is re-elected, it’s a bit different this time around given the deep divide within the Democratic Party. Be assured Trump & GOPwinger political operatives are already planning their strategy the DNC will again screw Bernie Sanders progressives. GOPwingers win on low voter turnout and screwing Sanders a second time will likely result in low voter turnout. If Trump runs again and wins, expect a full-blown war. He won’t hold back warmongers John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel or war-hungry Israel. A full scale war means potential nuclear disaster, especially since Russia and China are not only economically and militarily stronger than before, they are more united than any time in modern history.
- China’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI) — Again, Russia and China have become closely aligned. While China is building up its military might, Russia is providing needed military might. At the beginning of 2019, China introduced its Petro-Yuan (backed by gold) to compete with the US Petro Dollar (backed by debt). This, in itself, is chilling! More importantly, China and Russia are expanding the BRI which aims to re-open the ancient land and sea Silk Road trading routes, using green infrastructure throughout the process. The trading links will come down from Eurasia, through the Balkans, past the gateway of Turkey into the Shia Crescent (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq & Iran) into the Stan region as a gateway to lower Asia. This mammoth project is serving to bring even China and India (fastest growing country) closer together. Once India’s on board expect Europe to reluctantly follow. Unless we get a true thinker in the White House for 2020, the US will continue its hegemonic unipolar approach reliant on US military bases vs. most of the planet’s other nations wanting to engage in fair trade and commerce using green technology. The next US president must possess the intellect and sensitivity to become a major player in both the vision and the development of the BRI.
Aside from all of the above, America is bogged down with too many proxy wars while threatening new ones; has income inequality similar to the Great Depression; more people are unable to pay rent or afford their mortgages and utility bills; too many folks are working two-bit jobs or two two-bit jobs; family farmers are going out of business bought out by corporate farms or foreign investors; health care/insurance bills are exorbitant; too many aren’t even able to drive a car and way too many have become orphans of the courts; homelessness and tent cities are rampant, graduates from college are riddled with debt, fearful of raising families … on and on and on. Living under oligarchy is not a pretty picture!
We Americans have even lost their last line of defense, a free press. America’s media is now so monopolized five corporations control 90% of all media.
Even the Pentagon-CIA is involved with Hollywood and helps to determine what kinds of movies you watch, if you’re not watching daily cop shows on television. I imagine they’re involved with video game programming as well. But worry not ‘bout any of this, Opra and Ellen will soothe you until the late night comedians take over. The spoon feeding is relentless and the distractions are delicious!
Ladies and gentlemen, I hate to break it to yers … but the issues are not — as main media perpetually presents — god, guns and gays and being pissed off ‘cause the president lies or plays too much golf. The queen’s grandson’s baby being born really doesn’t hold that much importance.
Ideally, to oligarchy, what’s important is you learn your pedigree and it doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or a Democrat so long as half the people don’t vote in national elections, only a third in state elections and only 18% in municipal elections. The money will control the results as articulated by seven digit-salaried political consultants.
The fact is Vladimir Putin = a better Democrat than is Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer! Now, this is an important real issue! Don’t believe me? Read or watch Putin’s last two state-of-the-union speeches. Ironically, we don’t get to read or hear much about Putin’s important speeches in America’s supposedly free press. But here’s the skinny: Putin being a better Democrat than Pelosi or Schumer is not good for American oligarchy.
You see, America’s oligarchy always needs an enemy — this beefs up big defense, big oil, big banking and nearly every significant politician has a brother, sister, uncle or aunt on a lower level but still profitable gravy train. Who, in their right mind, would ever have thought having well-connected urine testing company would become great business! We haven’t even begun to spotlight problems associated with America’s Drug War, and how people are kept living in an unsafe fear-ridden underground economy.
What To Do?
Two choices:
- Accept your fate and take it that the DNC is a necessary duopolistic component of America’s Oligarch Enrichment Project and its line of pedigreed candidates are members in good standing of the OPU! Keep in mind Republicans are always worse, but lately it’s been hard to tell the difference when it comes to diplomacy, war, labor, health care, opportunity or militarizing and privatizing into a police state. Patriot act anyone? Is facial recognition for you? Are you all set for your chip? This can easily be passed off with the comment: “It’s tough being human.” But humanity loses if Democrats lose in 2020!
- Get back to our roots, embrace the plaintive and desperate plea of Indigenous peoples, be sensitive to the needs of working people and the poor and remember from FDR to JFK it was once “Democrats are for people and Republicans are for profits!” Bring this back! It’s a fact every politician in America should have taken notice and advice when over 450 Native American tribes, and America’s veterans, historically gathered at Standing Rock for a real reason! The Occupy Movement existed for a real reason. Even Wikileaks exists for a real reason. The high ground in the battle, and the morality of cause, means Democrats, with Independents, will become strong and resoundingly win in 2020!
Anyway, the DNC is now well on its way towards guaranteeing a 2020 GOPwinger presidency!
Encouraging a Yuppy-fun faux progressive candidate like Liz Warren to prevent Bernie Sanders from running away with the nomination; expanding closed primary states so Independents can’t vote (even though they pay taxes for those primary elections); denying a true climate change debate; denying anti-war candidate Tulsi Gabbard her rightful spot on the DNC debate stage; converting pro-Sanders Caucus states into primaries hoping he won’t win them … all of this will, and more, will result in party division, a deadlocked convention and a super delegate selection. This means a General Election with low voter turnout — a losing formula for Democrats!
For all of the wasted energy on Russiagate, for all of the variant condemnations and bombshell reports against Donald Trump, for all of the polls showing Trump’s approval rating is dropping, for all of the energy of two dozen Democratic presidential candidates hounding away at Trump … for all of this negative energy that has been heaped, Gallop’s present monthly voter registration tracking survey shows Republicans presently leading Democrats 29% to 27%. The Independent voters who are attracted to Bernie Sanders show in the 40–45% range.
One Way For Democrats to Win
Only Bernie Sanders, a truly ethical candidate who has built an enormous movement and who has filled major league sports stadiums all across the country, can guarantee Democrats the crucial and sorely-needed victory in 2020! A Sanders victory would also guarantee very strong coat-tails to carry Congress, governor seats and state legislatures. Bernie will turn the tide and bring back a conscientious America, something we all — even the world — desperately want and need!
To deny and attempt to disrupt Bernie’s political movement is pitiful and an insult to the ghosts of FDR and JFK. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not valiantly trying to stay alive so the DNC can cheat Bernie Sanders. America should recognize a true Lincoln when it finds one. Bernie Sanders is the presidential candidate for whom our ‘founding fathers’ would find pride.