Memo to Americans: You Are Victims of Propaganda!
— Originally written as a Facebook Note on June 10, 2017
Monopolized mainstream media, the Clinton Campaign and a host of pedigree-bent politicians have totally misled you into believing Russians hacked the DNC computers. There is no proof!
You’ve been informed 17 US intelligence agencies claim, in an intelligence assessment report, that Russians hacked the DNC computers and thus Wikileaks was provided with the information it published.
Here are the true facts:
1) The report was compiled by twenty hand-picked agents from three agencies (FBI, CIA & NSA) of the 17 that were highlighted in the DNI report. Political appointees from the other agencies willfully added additional signatures. Most Americans cite, as evidence of Russian hacking, that 17 agencies made this conclusion.
2) None of the 17 agencies examined the forensics of the DNC computers because the DNC refused their request. Instead, a politically-connected tech firm named Crowdstrike performed the forensics and presented two reports.
[7/29/19 UPDATE: It has since been discovered Crowdstrike presented the FBI with three redacted reports, the final of which was incomplete. Most experts and analysts would find it incredulous the FBI would accept a redacted incomplete report hired by a party with a vested interest.]
3) Crowdstrike’s first report created a moderate degree of confidence among the analysts that the Russians hacked; and its second report created a high degree of confidence the Russians did so. The widely-cited 17-agency intelligence report was released following Crowdstrike’s second report.
Main media continues to report Crowdstrike findings as gospel and New Testament. It remains backdrop to what you see and hear not only in the press but in various Washington congressional hearings.
It’s almost like we’re supposed to believe the receiving team from a kickoff in football ran the ball into the end zone for a touchdown because nobody on the kicking team tried to tackle. For this to happen is about as believable as the Crowdstrike reporting. It turns out media, DNC, the Clinton Campaign and a host of pedigreed politicians have each been running freely into the end zone in a presumption Crowdstrike’s second report is the ball.
4) Indeed, they’ve been carrying an erroneous report. Crowdstrike’s second report was refuted, much of it retracted. In today’s world of media omission this remains markedly unreported.
5) Trump’s an asshole and he’s gotta go. He never should have become president. But the only reason he became president is because Hillary Clinton’s political fix backfired. But Trump must be removed based on the truth of who he is, how he got there and how dangerous he is as president.
6) The hearings now taking place in Washington should be about voter suppression. Such hearings would show that both Clinton and Trump conspired and deceived the American people in order to attain the presidency. On balance, a new election should be held!
7) All things considered, there is likely more evidence to show DNC employee Seth Rich was the leaker of DNC information for Wikileaks rather than evidence showing the Russians hacked the DNC computers.
[UPDATE: Recent developments on this matter (see below Consortium News reporting:]