Little Ole’ Me vs. Well-Educated & Politically-Connected Fools!
[NOTE: This was originally written and published as a Facebook Note, now edited.]
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know that America’s Occupy Movement, where every major American city became a ‘tent city’ of people calling for income equality, would become one of the more defining moments in modern American history? And how did I know that this movement would become repressed by both the government and the US media?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact there were no weapons of mass destruction, no chemical mobile labs, no yellow cake from Niger, no Iraqi troops at the Saudi border or any Al Qaeda influences in Iraq?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know the War on Iraq would create a hornets nest that would spread widely throughout the region?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact in 2015 that Hillary Clinton, were she to become Democratic nominee, would lose the presidential election and that she would have no coat-tails to win the down ballot races like the US House and Senate?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact the Russians did not hack the DNC documents Wikileaks exposed and that this would not become the reason for getting Trump out of office?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull Massachusetts — know for a fact that Donald Trump, were he to become the president, would fuel obscene profits for alligators, pythons and water moccasins of the swamp and that he’d do great damage to tiny tadpoles, and other living things, hanging on for dear life in Swampville, USA?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — without the benefit of television, radio or daily print newspapers, win the #3 bronze medal in CNN’s 2016 Political Predication Market contest which included 220,000 participants?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact that, since 2016, very major news stories would go uninvestigated or unreported by America’s main media?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact that no matter how powerful America’s military, wars in places like North-South Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Ukraine, Sudan, The Congo, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Venezuela will never be won, that the resources of these nations will continue plundered mostly by American oligarchs?
How could little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact that America’s Drug War would and continue to do more to harm than good for people; that its very nature keeps people living within an underground economy and not participating within the electorate, that folks charged with enforcing would and will become corrupted and that it enables drug smuggling routes to also conveniently serve weapons smuggling routes?
How does little ole’ me who repudiated higher education — sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts — know for a fact that so many extremely well-educated and politically-connected people have become so deeply stupid and incredibly insensitive to the needs of people?
Remember, it’s just lil’ ole’ me — what the hell do I know!
Originally published at