Joe Biden’s VP Pick
— Millennium track record shows Democratic VP selection always angers progressives
I remember when the corporate media once sensationalized every time the youngest pilot flew from one coast to the other as pilot of an airplane. Eventually, the youngest pilot attempt ended in failure and the potential record-breaker died in a crash.
Picking a president or a vice president, using a similar standard, generally is the wrong way to go. Yes, JFK was the first Catholic president, Geraldine Ferraro the first female VP nominee, Barack Obama the first black president, Hillary Clinton the first female presidential nominee and Bernie Sanders should have and could have become our first Jewish president.
So it goes!
But the only way this kind of standardization works, or should meaningfully apply, is were America to produce the first Native American president. It’d be like bringing back to life all of those in America who historically became victims of genocide. A Native American president — the very best of all American firsts — would indeed help to cure a major ill haunting our nation since its founding.
So Who’s Biden Gonna Pick?
The tip of the media’s long tongue has wagged incessantly from Warren to Harris and Abrams to Klobachur. Party unity be damned, all male possibilities are off-limits. In his want to win a primary debate against Sanders, Biden point-blank committed to selecting a woman.
So be it!
Biden’s pick is crucial because his media and campaign performance has clearly demonstrated ailing health, what with his mental capacity unable to complete a whole and succinct paragraph or his inability to cite important facts or statistics, etc. Biden well appears as it sporting a serious memory impediment.
What’s crucial about his VP selection is the odds are very strong who he picks will become president should he defeat Trump.
Biden might not have much of a term in office. Somebody — either his wife, his VP choice or high-powered political operatives — could ultimately end up being in charge. All we need do is consider how FDR, his health failing, managed to lose his choice of keeping Henry Wallace on the ticket as his VP. Hello Truman!
A good-betting gambler would know it likely won’t turn out well were a US president not in control of his own presidency. Vegas odds makers would have betting field days — political money mongers too! — as to when that could happen.
Using President Barack Obama’s former VP, Democrats fixed the 2020 primary election — as they did in 2016 — so it wouldn’t be Bernie Sanders. For better or worse the party is now stuck with Biden. Worse, Biden is stuck to the political will of the party operative manipulators who placed him where he is today.
The only thing Biden has going for him is he’s not Donald Trump. Thus, especially given the worsening American Covid-19 tragedy, both on public health and on the economy, many expect Biden to become elected!
Of course, these same political operatives thought Hillary would win!
Pragmatically, Biden needs to select a woman who has the experience and fortitude to become president, someone who understands government policy, who can think quick on their feet and be able to handle not only the opposition but also the media. Ideally and politically, someone from a key state that will help Democrats deliver much-needed electoral college votes.
The Fab Four
Let’s examine them: Elizabeth Warren, Stacey Abrams, Kamala Harris and Amy Klobachur.
Warren is out because she’s well-known as a hypocrite and lots of Sanders supporters ‘hate her’ because she stabbed him in the back on the campaign trail. She also has no appeal to minorities and working people. Importantly, she brings nothing to the table as Democrats are gonna win Massachusetts anyway. Moreover, a Republican Massachusetts governor would replace her Senate seat with a GOPwinger. Democrats can not afford to see her Senate seat go red, especially after the Scott Brown fiasco.
Abrams is from a state Democrats dream of flipping from red to blue and also a popular Black politician with some charisma. But she’s only been a state representative, and is really only known at all because she lost a close governor’s race in Georgia. Largely unvetted with not much name recognition, she’d be too risky of a pick.
Harris and Klobachur are both from states that normally vote Democratic in presidential elections so no new electoral college votes would be gained from either. Of the two, Harris has attractive features and would be the better pick, given her wider appeal to minority voters. She also demonstrated an ability to take Biden down in a debate. A vibrant Harris likely would handle Mike Pence very well. To her downside, Klobachur has a gnawing personality and always seems to both complain and brag — a bad combination.
Of the so-called ‘Fab Four,’ Harris would be the best selection.
But Democrats Always Disappoint
Since the turn of the century — whether it’s Al Gore picking Joe Lieberman, John Kerry picking John Edwards, Obama picking Biden or Clinton picking Tim Kaine — politically, each VP choice has been a dud for a variety of reasons. The Lieberman, Biden and Kaine picks were awful for political reasons, each a loyal servant of oligarchy. Although politically he held some positives, the Edwards selection became a mess due to later disclosures about his personal life. Even in the age of Trump, Democrats barely ever mention Edwards.
Biden’s pick? I’d expect he, or his political operatives, will err again.
I strongly doubt Tulsi Gabbard will be selected. Gabbard would be a marveling choice given she’s adeptly managed to draw both anger and praise from the same people. In today’s political world, this could be viewed as a strength, not a detriment. Gabbard would also be good choice on foreign policy, an area where the US has severely been lacking. Importantly, her presence on the ticket would satisfy lots of angered Sanders supporters. Remember. Tulsi came to Bernie’s rescue in 2016. Her military background would help her draw Independents and Republicans. She’d actually be a good pick for Biden!
But Democrats — since Bill Clinton’s administration lost what was once near-guaranteed control of the House of Representatives — never make a good pick when it comes to progressive politics. Although less severe than the GOPwingers, Millennium Democrats effectively serve as an Oligarch Protection Unit (OPU) for America’s Oligarch Enrichment Project (AOEP). This is why we got Lieberman, Biden and Kaine!
So America’s First Female President Will Be?
None of the above!
I think Biden and his political operatives are gonna pick Claire McCaskill of Missouri. Not only does she come from a red state Democrats need to win, she’s also deeply experienced in government which is an important consideration given Biden might not finish his term if elected. Plus, Biden is on record stating he’ll only serve one term.
Besides the political demographics, what makes McCaskill likely to get the nod? Like Clinton’s 2016 choice of Kaine, nose-holding progressives also won’t appreciate a 2020 McCaskill selection. The OPUcentric DNC appreciates and takes every opportunity it gets to offer groin kicks to progressives.
[NOTE: As of this writing, Klobachur is getting all of the glory of attention. This is possibly nothing but respectful payback for her endorsing Biden at a key moment in the primaries. Ultimately, she’s unlikely to become his choice. What could affect his choice is Biden recently made a serious commentary error during an interview on a widely-watched and respected Black political news show, The Breakfast Club. Due to his serious mistake, Biden might opt to select Harris to help assure strong Black voter turnout in the general election. If he survives this gaffe or is able to manipulate his own hook, I think he (they) will pick the DNC-friendly McCaskill.]