It Got So Bad We Can’t Even Root For The Back-Up Quarterback!
— Are Both sides playing for Team Oligarchy?
For all who’ve become frustrated with my constantly complaining about the DNC and how it promotes pedigreed politicians over grassroots politicians and how it helped to rig the 2016 primary, I do understand your wishful thinking. I wish it didn’t happen also. But it did! I won’t look the other way, neither should you!
Be this as it may, what can be worse than Donald Trump!?!
Trump, due to his slipping approval ratings in 10 of the states he won in 2016 and due to him having at least three credible primary challengers, now wants Republican states to cancel their primaries. What’s amazing is Trump thinks doing this can be as easy as passing out McDonald's and Burger King hamburgers to college athletes!
A handful of Republican state committees have complied with Trump’s undemocratic wish: Nevada, South Carolina, Kansas, Arizona and now Alaska. Each have canceled their primaries. New Hampshire, where I was born, to its credit, refused.
It really does matter how low the Democrats have become. But Republicans historically have always been lower. In the duopoly of good cop (D) vs. bad cop (R), the Democrats, instead of coming in with meaningful and significant changes for sound governance— at least since JFK was shot — usually enter the fray as back-up quarterbacks for Team Oligarchy!
Where have all the anti-war/pro-labor Democrats gone … long time passing? Gone to Republicans nearly even one — when will they ever learn … when will they ever learn?
Democratic leadership today, for example, is wanting to expand closed primary states to block pro-Sanders Independent voters from voting, they are trying to convince pro-2016 Sanders caucus states to convert to primaries and they’ve encouraged a very crowded field of multiple straw candidates to run in order to dilute votes from Sanders, to prevent him from running away with the nomination. Chief among these straw candidates is Liz Warren!
Flawed Democracy
America is no longer a democracy. In fact, it has become rated, in worldwide rankings, as a “flawed democracy” (go ahead, Google or DuckDuckGo it!). We, the people, have even lost our last line of defense: A free press. America’s media has monopolized whereby five conglomerate corporations control 90% of all media.
Thus, it no longer matters that CEO pay increased 940% and worker pay only 12% since Reagan-Bush. It doesn’t matter that under Obama and Trump 85 to 95% of all new wealth created goes to fat cats at the top!
America has become an Oligarch Enrichment Project where we waste and sacrifice our powerful military to protect it, not our freedom! We’ve got a 750 billion dollar defense budget meant to preserve oligarchy. It’s become a fact our freedom is threatened more by oligarchy than from foreign influences. America’s two political parties today now serve as separate Oligarch Protection Units each sharing the same goal!
This goal is not meant for we, the people!
Don’t you think it’s finally time to get behind the political revolution of Bernie Sanders and bring our country back to becoming a respected leader in the world, into becoming a nation priding itself in true liberty and renown for taking care of its citizenry, respecting the trades of valued work, of medicine and science, of the arts, culture and history? A nation at peace with its neighbors?
I surely do!