Improving Our Hull Community
— Let’s stop being fools and lighten our loads!
Oh, why not. It’s summertime. We’re surrounded by the ocean, the bay and seashore wildlife. Our weather has turned, the carnival just left and it’s all oh, so beautiful and everybody is oh, so very happy.
But since our summer residents are here, let’s deal with something that affects everyone, including them. Indeed, their input is important.
Let’s talk trash!
Again, I beseech you.
Consolidate Hull Light into available town administrative and public yard facilities. Sell the existing Hull Light property, what with its very specialized multi-million dollar view of the World’s End landmark. World’s End is a property that will never see industrial, commercial or residential development. It will for always remain pristine and in its natural state. Any view of this is precious and valued.
No question about it. Sell Hull Light for the top of all possible top dollars!
With the money from its sale, we then begin a substantive trash removal and recycling operation throughout all of Hull. This will become a service whereby only one trash truck will visit each street only once a week. Repeat: This will become a service whereby only one trash truck will visit each street only once a week.
We can and should easily eliminate both the danger and nuisance of multiple daily dump truck visitations. These heavy trucks relentlessly wreck havoc on our tired and worn streets, and we should be mindful how they will eventually impact our new freshly-paved streets.
Think. Trash trucks continuously starting, stopping and perpetually instigating load shifts do damage to our streets. Multiple studies have proven this. Our own observations also prove this — compare how in front of the fire station there is often a need for repaving! Go ahead. Do the research!
Let’s stop being fools and lighten our loads!
Two Options for Implementation:
1) The town provides full implementation. Forget about paying for an expensive study. Just outright hire a trash implementation coordinator to assist the town manager and director of public services. We should be confident our town attorney and Board of Selects will keep with watchful eyes and that they will make decisions to soar like eagles rather than ones that quack like ducks!
2) Have the town zone out specific areas for bidding by private haulers. Again, hire a trash implementation coordinator to oversee the bidding process and regulate the services. The town would also have its own crack team unit of trash removal experts to fill any stopgaps and respond immediately to possible emergencies.
Finally, from the Hull Light funds we can also position more town wide trash barrels. We could also stretch tables, chairs and benches along the beaches for senior citizens. And if we really got our act together, we could reposition the existing Nantasket Beach chess tables so one player doesn’t have to have their back towards the ocean. Maybe even add more chess tables, perhaps even create a shaded chess pavilion.
Anyway, let’s be smart and sensible! Do I get a witness!?!