If Progressive and Supporting Warren, You’re in The Wrong Boat!
— You’ve got to begin realizing the SS Progressive is ONLY piloted by Bernie Sanders!
If you consider yourself a true progressive and you’re backing Liz “So” Warren, then you should quickly begin realizing you’re in the wrong boat and that boat is nowhere near as progressive and experienced as is the boat of Bernie Sanders. In fact, backing Warren runs the serious risk of having her “yuppie rebellion” completely sidetrack the much-needed and long-wanted political revolution.
I strongly suspect party loyalist Warren, at the urging of party regulars, originally entered the race in order to grab some early home field advantage and block Sanders from running away with the nomination, which he’d easily do were there not any interference.
Warren’s presence means she’ll siphon off Bernie votes in New Hampshire’s First in The Nation Primary and also in Massachusetts for Super Tuesday. You better believe Warren is closely in league with New Hampshire’s centrist all-female congressional delegation and NH and MA state committee members.
[INTERESTING PARALLEL NOTE: Given that Bernie won NH with 62% of the vote in 2016 and there are beginning signs to Warren’s campaign withering — more folks are realizing she’s just too giddy for serious consideration — former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick has entered the race as a Warren back-up quarterback.]
The DNC political operative game plan is to deny Bernie home field advantage in NH and Massachusetts and prevent him from running away with a 1st ballot victory to the convention. This means making sure there are at least three strong candidates dividing the won-delegate share at the end of the nominating process. The super delegates are already prepped to come in and pick a party insider on the 2nd ballot.
Warren, after a couple months of moving along swimmingly, would be happy to accept the nomination. But given there are doubts about her winning in The Rust Belt, she’d also be pleased with the vice presidency. In a worse case scenario she’d accept a cabinet post as likely would have happened had Hillary Clinton won in 2016. Either way, Warren’s US Senate days are over.
Warren Will Resign Her Senate Seat for Joe Kennedy
Assured of a national position — one way or another — by DNC-controlled Clinton political operatives, Warren will soon resign her senate seat. Her excuse will be she’ll need to fight harder in her presidential campaign. This will then open the door for the young Joe Kennedy — who already officially announced against Ed Markey (not to beat Markey, but to begin raising US Senate campaign money )— to run for Warren’s seat rather than face off against the incumbent Markey. A Kennedy v. Markey race never ever made any sense.
Part of being a progressive is also to understand how political operatives and party manipulators think and assign pedigrees for politicians. Because voters failed to do this in 2016, we’ve suffered greatly. Hopefully, from 2016, we will have learned a lesson. If we do not get out act together and get behind Bernie, progressives will lose again.