How To Make A Trump Rally
— Ever wonder where and how Trump gets his rally fans?
His car, truck and boat flag carriers — together with his hat, t-shirt and flag vendors — form a central core of his hardnosed base. It doesn’t matter a bit that some of the MAGA materials they hawk come from China.
Anyway, these are the folks for whom you see Donald Trump, during his speeches, whining out dog whistles or showing hand signals. They are firm, reliable and devoted to the right-wing (some call it the white-wing!). Some of these loyalists organize into units for regional travel to help set the table for Trump rallies, both in spirit and form.
Trump’s appeal also reaches into the decades-long organized 2nd amendment groups and organizations. Also included are self-ordained militias, elements of biker gangs, mobsters, police force militant break-offs, private mercenary-trained militants and a huge NASCAR/WWF/UFC fan base — all of whom project a flair for violence. That this machismo element permeates widely on behalf of Trump is legion. The wife base is equally as militant.
Additionally, there are the GOPwinger politicians who appeal to a similar political bent, millionaire golfers, wealthy big-game trophy hunters and yacht-owners mixed with some oddball celebrity and athlete-types. Together, these softer kinder-appearing types effectively become a great Trump infomercial, especially when supported by media moguls who own the likes of Clear Channel (owner of most of America’s AM-drive radio stations and Billboards); and The Sinclair Group which owns 70% of America’s local television stations.
Nonetheless, despite the fact that some eat shrimp and lobster but most eat steak and hamburger, everyone referred above considers themselves a “patriot,” and each would agree a Trump rally is a good time, a wonderful moment to show off and a perfect opportunity for insulting others.
Who Is In The Trump Audience?
Where do Trumps real numbers actually come from? How does he achieve gathering masses of people?
The Trump factions, described above in this article, represent Trump’s hardcore base. They will relentlessly defend him on the Internet (along with tens of thousands of consultant-paid computer-generated bots!).
But who is it that largely attends his rallies? How does Trump manage to fill stadiums or large rally forums?
Well, his stubborn-nosed political operatives are proteges from the Lee Atwater-Karl Rove-Steve Bannon school of gaming politics. They know exactly how to form and conduct focus groups with which to hire certain kinds of people to situate in certain kinds of places in order to accomplish certain kinds of things. Craigslist advertising helps, but you’ve got to remember these political consultants have long been around they have a plentiful pool of desperate people from which to tap.
>>>Two hundred bucks for three hours of Trump? Sure, why not!<<<
To a political operative, if an attractive woman is needed to sit behind the president a key moment, where she nods her head to everything he says? No problem! With a rally of five to 10 thousand people and a particular demographic group is needed to stand behind the president wearing MAGA masks and jumping joyfully to everything he says? No problem. The political operative will dutifully get this done.
Howza’ ‘bout a close-up of one of Trump’s fake Amish dudes! Not only are the Amish not wanting televised attention, they ordinarily do not wear ear decorations:
But who is the most important Trump political operative? What role does he or she perform?
Well, this is where ole’-time religion kicks in.
Lift a drink to the hard-working political operative who is responsible for getting money-making preachers to bus hundreds of thousands of evangelist supporters to Trump rallies. I wish I had the journalistic search capability and resources in order to greater pinpoint what megachurch are situated close to specifically-targeted Trump rallies. Perhaps a Covid-19 contact tracer could better do this.
Bottom line? Trump rally attendees are very often evangelist megachurch members. Such churches have plentifully propped up all across America, and Trump richly rewards them.
A sharp journalist covering a Trump rally may actually get better journalistic mileage were they to wander away from the rally and interview many of the bus drivers paid to transport the evangelists to root for Trump. Methinks many of them would tell the truth to what’s happening!