[NOTE: If your kids are nearing voting age? Show them this!]
Poster for a Gravedancers & Climate Change gig from two years ago
In the sudden world we live in today, not many folks read except into their cellphones. Some will only a read a few paragraphs. But let’s try this: A pictorial and musical exhibit of a whole lotta history.
Somehow Humanity Survived for Centuries
Warriors Morphed Into Robber Barons — An Industrial Age
Three Successive Republican Presidential Administrations
1929 — The Great Depression
Then Came Progressive New Deal Politics
World War II — The Bomb
World War II Babies Born
Making a Bid to Join Responsible Humanity
Second Progressive Elected — He’s Assassinated!
US Oligarchy’s 1st Modern War — Vietnam
Man With The Dream, and His Friend, Also Assassinated!
US Oligarchy Comes Into Full Power & Play
Note the five Oligarch Protection Units (OPUs)!
Far-Left Locked Out of US Politics
More War!
America Needs a 3rd Modern Day Progressive President!
Vote for Progressive (Far-Left) political candidates!
Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!