Fresh Air in Politics — How to Beat Trump & The GOPwingers
— Democrats want party unity? Here’s how to get it while growing the party!
It’s time for the DNC, Third Way Democrats, Joe Biden, Liz Warren, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, et. al., to say “uncle” to the Bernie Sanders Campaign and acknowledge Bernie’s deep attraction to Independent voters means strong voter turnout and a win for Democrats. Bernie’s got the political coat-tails to carry Congress, governor races and state legislatures.
Keep in mind the electorate has been hungry for a REAL political outsider since Bush-Cheney! The lifelong Independent political career of Sanders meets this call! His speeches over the past 30 years, shown in the YouTube video below, prove this!
The 2020 election is crucial not only because of the make-up of the Supreme Court, but also because after the 2020 Census congressional districts will be redrawn. Republicans controlled this power over the past 10 years; Democrats must control it over the next 10 years!
Rather than stifling Independents by blocking their votes with closed primary states, Democrat should welcome all independents to vote in all of the primaries. The Democrats should be growing in party registrations throughout the primaries. Independent voters comprise over 40% of the electorate — does it make sense to ignore them in order to play pedigreed politics?
The Democratic contest and debate should involve the depth to what Sanders advocates on all fronts; the foreign policy of Tulsi Gabbard, the innovative ideas of Andrew Yang and heart of Marianne Williamson! All of this under the grandfatherly advice of former Alaska senator Mike Gravel. This would represent real Democratic unity!
Let’s really beat Trump and the oligarchs of both political parties!