Florida Democratic Committee Blocking Poor Folk from Debates!
Of course, big donors will buy tickets for supporters of oligarch-favored candidates — progressives will see a thin audience!
Democrat #1: Hey, buddy, can you spare some change so I can get bus fare home?
Democrat #2: I’m so sorry, I can’t. I just coughed up nearly $5,000 to get a ticket to the Democratic Miami Debate!
Democrat #1: Wow, that’s a lot of money! I guess they’re not gonna let any poor folks in to see the candidates debate?
Democrat #2: Apparently not. But I’m hoping I’ll get lucky as my friend and I do volunteer work for Joe Biden. We’re told we might get reimbursed for the cost of our tickets by one of his wealthy donors. But we won’t know ‘til after the debate. I sure hope Joe does good!
Democrat #1: The hell with Joe Biden and politicians like him. Bernie’s the only one who’ll help me get a job that pays more than what I’m makin’ now. Look at me! I am workin’ a full-time job and here I am now begging you for bus fare ‘cause I just spent all my money on rent — I’ve got a wife and a 10 month-old kid!
Democrat #2: You know, I hear ya! Look, here’s a coupla bucks. I wish I could give you more but I bought these damn tickets. I promise ya — I’ll listen closely to what Bernie has to say, OK? You’re absolutely right. You shouldn’t be in the situation you’re in!
Democrat #1: Thanks for helping. Good luck — I’m pretty sure you’re gonna like what Bernie is advocating. He really is for the folks!