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— Democrats chose to roll on Russiagate theory to cloak over Hillary’s multi-billion loss
[Originally written May 25, 2017 — with slight improvement editing]
The irony is many of Donald Trump’s Russian connections were known before the 2016 presidential campaign even began. Had these, and other serious Trump transgressions, properly been vetted by investigative media early in the campaign we might never have seen Trump as president.
However, Wikileaks disclosures showed Hillary Clinton wanted Trump as her November opponent, this in a belief she could easily defeat him. Wikileaks-leaked inside Clinton campaign memos show that Trump was described as a “pied piper” candidate, one who Democratic strategists and friendly media should support (see John Podesta’s Washington DC and Joel Benenson’s New York City friendly media cocktail party invite list).
Trump was portrayed as a pied piper— along with Ted Cruz and Ben Carson — throughout the early 2016 campaign! By the media not attacking Trump early on, as they could have and should have, Trump was freely able to press all the nasty buttons to enable him to jump to the top of the crowded 18-candidate GOPwinger pack.
Only after Trump appeared destined for the GOP nomination did Trump’s supposed Russian connections begin to factor into the campaign? These, of course, intensified after Trump defeated Clinton in November.
Be all this as it may, one fact is clear. There is no evidence proving a Russian hack of the DNC server other than two technical reports from Crowdstrike whose CEO exhibits an anti-Russian bias. Also, anonymous sources make similar claims. The DNC refusing the FBI’s request to examine its DNC server has not been helpful at all. In fact, it helped to fuel the resultant confusion many of us feel today.
Any thinker has gotta admit the Russian investigation loses much of its focus if it becomes proven the DNC leaked documents resulted from inside DNC leaks rather than Russian hacks. Realistically, Trump must be attacked primarily because he is a dangerous president and his issues are extremely harmful to the good of our nation.
Attacking Trump on his strategy to win is fruitless because the Clinton campaign invoked a similar strategy. Both were reliant on voter suppression. It is voter suppression that requires a special prosecutor or a special commission.
That’s the way it is!
PS: Wikileaks is named “Wikileaks” and not “Wikihacks!”
Additional Information
Crowdstrike Executive testifies before the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017 (this information not publicly released until 2020):
>>>“Observe Crowdstrike executive Shawn Henry describing how DNC documents were set up to become exfiltrated (extracted) by the Russians, but note he provides no evidence and states that he can’t provide any evidence that material was actually exfiltrated from the DNC system.
Conclusion? There is no proof Russians hacked the DNC computer system! Not only did the FBI fail to examine the DNC computer system but it also failed to demand that Crowdstrike present its final report on the matter.”<<<
Below is the verbatim March 25, 2017 facebook post:
>>>The irony is many of Trump’s Russian connections were known before the 2016 campaign even began. Had these been properly vetted by investigative media we might never have seen Trump as president.
However, Wikileaks disclosures showed the Clinton campaign wanted Trump as her November opponent, this in a belief she could easily defeat him. Wikileaks-leaked inside Clinton campaign memos described Trump as a “pied piper” candidate and one who Democratic strategists and friendly media (see John Podesta’s media party list) should support. And that they did throughout the early campaign!
By the media not attacking Trump early on, as they could have, Trump pressed all the nasty buttons to jump to the head of the crowded 18-candidate GOPwinger pack.
That Russian connections in varying form continued throughout the campaign? Not surprising? That they intensified after Trump was elected? Not surprising.
But one fact is clear. There exists no evidence to prove a Russian hack of the DNC server other than two technical reports from Crowdstrike whose CEO exhibits an anti-Russian bias, and anonymous sources. The DNC refusing the FBI’s request to examine its DNC server has not been helpful at all. In fact, it has helped to fuel the resultant confusion many of us feel today.
Any thinker has gotta admit the Russian investigation loses much of its focus if it becomes proven the DNC leaked documents resulted from inside DNC leaks rather than Russian hacks. Trump must be attacked primarily because he is a dangerous president and his issues are extremely harmful to the good of the nation.
Attacking Trump on his strategy to win is fruitless because the Clinton campaign invoked a similar strategy, one reliant on voter suppression. It is voter suppression which requires a special prosecutor or commmission.
And that’s the way it is!
PS: Wikileaks is named “Wikileaks” and not “Wikihacks!”<<<