“Extra-Extra … Read all About it!” Putin’s a Lefty!
When is the last time you heard US or UK legacy media describe Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “lefty?”
More than not, his image is projected as that of a power-hungry right-wing dictator type who leads a ‘regime’ rather than a government with a legislative body and a 115-member Supreme Court. You likely also never heard much about Russia’s Supreme Court! Nor has there been any quality Western reporting about Putin’s state of the union speeches or press conferences.
Anyway, just today, I found a Reuters report published in The Hill related to a famous former American actor who became a Russian citizen in 2016, Steven Segal. The news was about Segal recently joining a political party in Russia. The political party is a pro-Putin party. It is called “Just Russia — Patriots — For Truth.” Here is how Reuters describes the political make-up of the party:
“The party was created earlier this year when three pro-Putin leftist parties formed into one.”
This is the first news account I’ve ever seen where the monopolized US media actually hints Putin is a leftist.
How ironic this becomes disclosed while the media is reporting about a famous movie star instead of defining the actual political differences which exist between President Joe Biden and Putin who next month will hold an important political summit.
Politics in America is all about branding. The US media today is attempting to repackage Biden as ‘The Next FDR!” He’s not! He’s never been anything like an FDR and it’s highly doubtful he’ll ever become one! This same media has lost its historical reputation as a free press via its reporting on Russiagate. Think how it attempts to link Putin as buddies with Kremlin Don, Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey, et. al.
Let’s get this clear: Vladimir Putin is not a right winger! If anything, he’d prefer a Bernie Sanders kind of leader for America, someone who is logical and can reasonably negotiate — someone who knows how to actually play a good game of chess! Someone who actually cares!!!
Guess who else is a lefty: Wikileaks publisher, Julian Assange! Indeed, Assange is a progressive pacifist who believes in the transparency of all governments. Here is how Assange’s Wikileaks organization is described:
But US corporate media has repeatedly attempted to paint Assange as someone in league with Putin and Trump. The fact is Assange is his own man and it is honorable he’s sacrificed his life and kept his principles while unfairly rotting away in solitary at the Belmarsh UK prison. That Assange has anything in common with Trump would be like claiming Red Sox fans are rooting for the Yankees to become the 2021 World Champions!
Extra-Extra, read all about it: The media is not what it once was. It is no longer the fourth estate, meant to protect freedom and democracy. Today’s media is a product of oligarchy!
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