Already Fractured by HRC, Democrats Self-Destruct St. Patty’s Day Election

— Wanting near-immediate coronation of establishment insider Joe Biden as the party’s nominee, not postponing Illinois, Florida and Arizona primary elections will long remain haunting — Sanders recommended postponement; Biden did not!

Michael Weddle
9 min readMar 18, 2020
Of course, we all know how well people read and follow directions!

Update — April 29, 2020: Although the Republicans wanted this election more than the Democrats, due to the Wisconsin supreme court make-up, Democrat Biden still encouraged voters to show up.

Update — April 15, 2020:

Update — April 2, 2020:

  1. DNC & Biden Campaign Still Want Wisconsin to Vote on April 7th. 2) Head of Covid-19 Response Team Wants People Staying Home

Update — March 31, 2020:

Update — March 28, 2020:

Original Article

Democrats, in the manner how they conducted the 2020 primary, by also forcing voters to vote against public health warnings during an international virus pandemic, guaranteed another win for America’s oligarchy. Oligarchy has been winner of presidential elections ever since JFK was shot, Jimmy Carter perhaps the lone exception.

Who has been president since Carter? Reagan campaigned as a political outsider and won, even though his vice president, George H.W. Bush, was America’s CIA chief. The CIA-influenced corporate policies of Bush lasted for 12 years. Tax-cuts for the wealthy, corporate deregulation, attacks on poor folk, expansion of the drug war, dealing with dictators and regime change wars on the foreign policy front became common.

Bill Clinton’s presidency, while sporting conservative policies as a Democrat, essentially became like the work of a back-up quarterback for Team Oligarchy. He, too, governed for corporations way more than for the needs of people. Instead of war, except for NATO in Bosnia, Clinton primarily used a policy of economic sanctions, effectively amounting to a different form of war. Instead of influencing social policy and needed reforms, Clinton also meddled in Russia’s election keeping Boris Yeltsin in power on behalf of capitalism which beefed up the now infamous Russian oligarchs.

Republicans For Profits; Democrats For People

It’s important to note, since the time before the Great Depression, Republican policy has always been greedy, and GOPwingers renown as the party for profits; whereby FDR’s New Deal policies changed the Democratic party into the party for people and JFK’s New Frontier policies — civil and voter rights, war on poverty, etc. followed accordingly, with LBJ doing much of the heavy-lifting for what JFK began.

Very great voices like Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, Paul Wellstone and Ralph Nader tried desperately to warn America it was headed down the wrong path. King and Kennedy were assassinated, Wellstone mysteriously died in a plane crash (as also did JFK, Jr.), Jackson was scandalized and Nader ridiculed. Oh, yes. John Lennon was also assassinated.

Did you notice that this is how we entered the New Millennium?

Rather than heed the great voices of the recent past, Democrats crossed the 2000 mark by running insiders Al Gore and then John Kerry. Both lost, and we thus saw eight years of Bush-Cheney. Stealing a page out of Reagan’s playbook, with the electorate sickened by eight years of Bush’s neocon policies, Barack Obama ran and won while campaigning as a progressive political outsider. Once elected, however, he governed with a Wall Street-appointed cabinet as an insider, including Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state.

Nothing changed. Oligarchy, either with a 1st string GOPwinger quarterback or a 2nd string Democratic quarterback, continued its rule. Since Reagan, CEO pay increased 940% whereas worker pay only 12%, the middle class has collapsed with many losing well-paying jobs and their homes, and the poor became relegated to live within a dangerous underground economy sparked by drugs, violence and imprisonment. Under Obama 95% of all new wealth created went to the fat cats at the top.

Next, Democrats foolishly and deviously embarked upon the coronation of Hillary Clinton to run against Trump who was claiming he was an outsider who’d drain the swamp in Washington DC. Despite the warnings of progressives who echoed the great voices of those who were killed, scandalized or ridiculed, the DNC rigged the 2016 Democratic Primary againt Bernie Sanders so Clinton would win and easily defeat Trump. Astoundingly, DNC political operatives, with powerful inside media connections, even helped Trump to win the GOP nomination.

The Math of Oligarchy Spawning Flawed Democracy

It all backfired when Trump defeated Clinton’s 1.2 billion dollar campaign. Why’d he win? Well, consider the very simple Math of Oligarchy to which voters were presented? Had Clinton won in 2016 and became re-elected in 2020 it would have meant a Bush or a Clinton at the top of 10 of the past 11 presidential administrations. It would have meant a Bush or a Clinton in four of five presidencies — five of six if you include Bush being in charge during Reagan’s years.

So what does it take? All of us collectively scratching our heads while murmuring, “Hey, it just dawned on me. We no longer live in a democracy?”

Again, GOPwingers are always oligarchy. But let’s add up how sensitive Democrats have been to the needs of people. Since Reagan, Democrats, instead of a real alternative, have only offered oligarch protectorates as candidates: Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Clinton and now Biden. Anyone notice an insider pattern?

The story since JFK’s assassination is pretty much told by the above meme!
Biden has been especially proficient at helping credit card companies rake in enormous profits!

The Democratic Party, by anointing Biden, has played right into Donald Trump’s political wheelhouse. Trump, even though, in reality, also an oligarch, will now claim much and more of the following:

  • Even though president, he will continue to posture as a political outsider fighting the establishment. Be ready for Drain The Swamp 2.0! Russiagate, the impeachment and other biases from the media will easily enable him to pull this off a second time. Trump can now reasonably argue Biden is more of a penultimate insider than was Hillary Clinton. Once again, Trump will mask in the role of political outsider despite the fact there is no such thing as a billionaire political outsider.
  • Democrats again screwed Bernie Sanders, a man who only wanted to win a fair election based on his presentation of fair issues before a citizenry who largely believes in his advocacy. As Bernie and his followers very well now know: It’s tough to beat a fix by oligarchy!
  • Trump will say he did not start a full-blown war and he’ll emphasize troop reductions, some of which are now in progress. At the same time he’ll claim red meat to his base on how tough and adversarial he’s been against America’s perceived — or manufactured — enemies. By continuing to keep Syrian territory, i.e., the oil fields and blocking the Damascus-to-Baghdad Highway, he’ll claim he has stood up to Russia.
  • He’ll obnoxiously, and rightly, claim Democrats barked up the wrong tree on Russiagate. He’ll insist the DNC-contracted Steele dossier has been discredited; that the DNC-contracted Crowdstrike finally retracted its claim Russians hacked the DNC computers; Mueller’s indictment against the Russians got dismissed; and his aides unfairly were imprisoned while those who helped Clinton got to walk. Indeed, the Durham Investigation will uncover many startling shoe-on-the-other-foot revelations all throughout the summer leading into autumn’s November election.
  • He’ll highlight Democrats made no effort to stop the March 17 primary elections when the Center for Disease Control had formally recommended no large gatherings due to the Covid-19 virus. What could be a larger gathering than US large state elections involving millions of voters?
  • He’ll accentuate how poorly those elections were held and claim Democrats, in their eagerness to nominate Biden and force Sanders to withdraw, did not care about people voting who could contract the virus, especially in a state like Florida which has a very large elderly population. When more testing is accomplished, this issue could well become a blockbuster. Biden and the DNC has no defense! And there could become resultant lawsuits.
  • It’s possible Trump could use Covid-19 to his advantage by providing government checks worth thousands of dollars to every American with a social security card, implement an emergency order to prevent evictions and foreclosures, perhaps increase minimum wage and eventually, by November, have the economy reset. If he can get past the health-related problems like testing and treatment, he’ll be able blame the economic downfall on the virus instead of problems associated with the petro dollar or other irresponsible decisions made by his administration. Remember that November will appear quite different to what we’re seeing today in March.
  • Trump will also be able to counter-attack Biden on Ukrainegate which led to the unsuccessful impeachment. It’s not like negative news won’t further be coming out to highlight Hunter Biden using his dad position in government for self-enrichment whether in Ukraine or China. This helps to shield Trump from similar attacks that are legitimate.
  • Regarding the well-established lies of both Trump and Biden? Trump will simply proclaim his lies were the result of fish tales (who had the bigger fish?) whereas Biden’s lies were predicated upon government policy and bad for the nation.

Bernie Sanders Recommended Postponing March 17th Elections Before FL, IL & AZ Voted:

To make matters worse, the DNC is intent on penalizing states that delay their primaries due to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency. How does this make sense?

Meanwhile, Biden wanted people to keep voting despite the CDC guidelines:

This statement is unconscionable. Biden, and the DNC, continued to advocate voting right into Wisconsin’s April 7th scheduled date for a primary.

GOPwingers Leading in Gallup Voter Registration Tracking:

According to Gallup’s monthly voter registration tracking, the past six surveys have shown a definite advantage for the GOPwingers, even though Trump has seen negative press, Russiagate, impeachment, various scandals and two dozen Democratic candidates hounding against him throughout the primary season.

You see, Democrats can not win with only their own voters. They can only win from a very large voter turnout that includes new voters and Independent voters coming on board. What’s truly sad is a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Sanders defeating Trump by 18% among Independent voters.

Below are Gallup’s numbers for the past six surveys:


Me, personally? I’m extremely saddened. I know our nation needs Bernie Sanders and I know the world needs Bernie Sanders. I find it immensely distressing, barring something completely unforeseen, oligarchy will win again in November with either a Trump or Biden win. It’s even more saddening to know if The Green New Deal — as championed by Sanders — is not enacted, our children and grandchildren will not see a future.

One last note. I wanted to die a Democrat. But I guess I’ll have to settle on dying as an Independent. If anyone is capable, please drop my ashes over the DNC headquarters — election-fixing Democrats need all the help they can get in order to return to the good side of politics. But I wise enough to know my wish unlikely will be met as it’s very possible the Democratic Party will be dead before I am dead.

Additional Considerations:



Michael Weddle
Michael Weddle

Written by Michael Weddle

Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!

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