Caution to Democrats
— Confessingly come forward, or lay low on the subject of Russiagate … at least be truthful!
Let’s first understand what America has become since JFK was shot, how the ever-perplexing two-party system has evolved.
Secondly, some facts related to Russiagate:
Eventually, most Democrats — besides strong thinking progressives who already know — will come to the conclusion the 2016 manufacturing of Russiagate was falsely rooted for political and economic advantage, and meant to deflect previous mistakes of key players. Consider the Russiagate build-up happened at a time when Democrats thought Trump would be easily defeated.
Propagating Russiagate has always been wrongful. Its existence helped beef up America’s military-industrial complex, what with a string of 750 billion dollar Pentagon budgets. Inherently, Russia became an enemy of convenience for everyone, while becoming a source of deep pockets for a few. Russiagate also meant great media ratings as the general public became encapsulated by all of the sensational reporting.
It became so absurd I continuously battled on social media with Democrats as well as my lifetime GOPwinger political enemies. To me, it appeared Karl Rove-like strategy politics enveloped the DNC, its reaching power and influence. Control of the political party could only match control of the news cycle with Americans becoming sheep-driven, their voices and votes suppressed in a variety of ways.
Actual news no longer got reported. It became controlled, fixated with lies, distortions, omissions and perversions of truth. Five-to-six (merger in the mill) corporate conglomerates own 90% of all media. As this evolved, important voices of opinion got axed when several progressive news journals were bought out by opinion-controlling powers.
Few cities today see the hawking of progressive weeklies on the streets. Where have all the flowers gone is where you’ll find New York’s Village Voice, San Francisco’s Bay Guardian or Boston’s Phoenix. The alternative point of view has diminished. It is no longer consolidated, but diffused in the maze of the Internet.
Main media news platforms saw investigative budgets slashed or eliminated and all of the ombudsmen critics dismissed. Intelligence operatives infiltrated journalism like never before, many even becoming the political candidates. I.F. Stone would respectfully request that his grave be dug deeper were he to know fully what’s going on today.
Anyway, we got hit with a huge dose of wasteful and wrongful Russiagate!
Sadly, the DNC deck was stacked for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and again for Joe Biden in 2020. The Democratic Party has become fractured, no longer the party it once was for working people. Extraordinarily, the important John Durham investigation into the origins of Russiagate will fit right into Donald Trump’s wheelhouse for the closing months of the election. Democrats will find a shoe on the wrong foot. They’ll become defensive in all Russiagate-related matters.
Simply put, Democrats are not holding a good hand of cards on the Russiagate issue.
The deeper problem for Democrats is that Joe Biden, among other problems, won’t effectively handle Russiagate. Criticism will stream his way and, hiding in his basement, he won’t sheepishly or innocently be able to shudder it away. Full of baggage on multiple issues, Biden is too risky of a nominee. He should be scratched from the ticket as soon as possible!
[Sidenote: Given the DNC will never accept Bernie Sanders, who should be the nominee, I recommend replacing Biden with long term Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey who has strong working class roots, a sound progressive record, an excellent ability to communicate and he’s young enough to not die in office. Perhaps Congresswomen Val Demings from Florida could balance out the ticket, what with her career in law enforcement. It’s a winning ticket and also enables the DNC to assign Joe Kennedy to take over Markey’s senate seat.]
On (a stock investment forum — essentially Facebook & Twitter before Facebook & Twitter existed), I created the internet’s first-ever large scale anti-war debate. I created two discussion forums: DON’T START THE WAR and Stop The War, begun under my SI posting moniker PartyTime.
Throughout the build-up of the War on Iraq, I followed closely the work of Consortium News founder, investigative journalist Robert Parry. Based on the strength of Consortium’s reporting and from other progressive and international news sources, little ole’ me sitting at my computer in Hull, Massachusetts knew for a fact there were no weapons of mass destruction, no mobile chemical labs, no yellow cake from Niger, no Al Qaeda presence in Iraq and no sizable Iraqi population wanting to greet Americans with open arms as liberators.
The build-up and promulgation of the War on Iraq was all public relations. Pure propaganda!
Below, is a present day example:
Hook, line and sinker, most Democrats went along with all the bad claims against Iraq. Remember we got hit on the nightly news with terror alert chart warnings! Fear and distortion totally dominated the daily network channels and mainstay print media. The AM drive talk/news radio shows were — you guessed it! — obnoxiously right wing. Still today!
In 2003, the White House, State Department, CIA, et. al., sent a parade of so-called experts — “potted plants,” really— to justify America’s war action. This was in a juxtaposition of America thrusting a direct middle finger at the United Nations Security Council, and any other protest entity or individual who’d challenge America’s want and need to topple Saddam Hussein.
From The War on Iraq, millions of people were killed, injured or displaced from their homes. Many never recovered — including lots of Americans! Suicide after war is not uncommon for anyone close or who has seen or been in a war. Sadly, those who engineered this war were never held accountable.
2020 Biden v. Trump Oligarch Derby
Most folks have been around the Internet long enough they know how cards are dealt in life. They know the way America’s presidential elections are held today has nothing to do with democracy and more to do with money. The election is a choice of one group of American oligarchs against the choice of another group of American oligarchs. Call it what it is: America’s Oligarch Derby!
Why is Russiagate so compounding? If the Durham investigation findings present even the tiniest hint of evidence that what happened with Russiagate essentially amounted to a coup against the president, Trump will claim extra liberties, otherwise known as an increase to his authority.
Also interesting is the fact that shortly after being sworn into office, with help from the UK and by bribing a new Ecuadoran government, Trump silenced Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. Assange has been in jail for nearly the whole of Trump’s term in office.
Democrats, hung up on Russiagate and disturbed Hillary Clinton got her privileged toe stubbed, went along with Trump to silence the publisher who historically has specialized exposing a lack of transparency in governments. Like he did with George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Assange, if free, certainly would have uncovered more damaging information against Trump than did Robert Mueller.
Meanwhile, Trump is on record several times stating he may not accept the results of the 2020 election, using the mail-in voting issue, inspired by citizen fear associated with Covid-19, as an excuse for him to claim voter fraud. You see, in Trump’s thinking it’s a matter of what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Good luck to all of us!