Bilbo Baggins & Billbarr Bagjob
In Some Ways, It Appears Trump Got Clintoned!~
The Magical Hobbit Mystery Tour continues.
The below-referenced reporting is rather interesting. As I recall the Iraq yellow cake propaganda incident began with Italian origins, namely from a couple of Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi-owned newspapers.
(use translate feature)
Meanwhile, as Trump — the Dark Lord of Swamp Mordor — rules, like Sauron, with threats against Syrians, Venezuelans and America’s working class, I managed to write up a sober tale of how Vladimir Putin appears as a better Democrat than the leadership within the Democratic Party and leagues beyond Republicans in terms of scope of political consciousness.
And the dark queen never saw the light of America’s presidency!
Indeed, were I younger I’d write a classical-rock opera entitled: Russiagate!