Are You In Warren’s Yuppie Rebellion Aligned Now With HRC’s Resistance?
— The Real Revolution Will Not Be Televised!
Can anyone honestly describe what it feels like to become part of a contemporary real life Yuppie Rebellion? What’s it like to experience this while an authentic grassroots Political Revolution is simultaneously ongoing, displaying a prevalence among one million individuals who have donated to the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders?
Let’s look at Iowa, where the first votes of citizens are cast:
Please do not become misled by the professional pollsters, pundits and print op-ed political operatives who dominate America’s media. What they present to you is articulated from individuals commanding and cushioned by six and seven-digit salaries. These folks are more in touch consultants who are concerned with controlling the news rather than with reporting the news!
The one investigative work of journalism I’ve never seen, but always wondered about, would be the Christmas bonuses influential media members receive after a hard-fought November election and before the cheer of December holidays. Uncovering this would be a challenge, a magnificent accomplishment, for any journalist! I suspect, however, that most, if not all of the mainstream journalists, would decline such a survey — they’ll never ever tell!
For the past few decades the monopolized corporate media (5 corps control 90% of all media) has done an excellent job dividing the two political parties into two camps, largely focused on god, gun and gay issues. More recently, one’s position on immigration (read: Trump’s wall) has been thrown into the mix of party identity. Such has become a media-induced criterion for deciding whether to become a Republican or a Democrat.
Meanwhile, serious issues — economically-rooted or intense policy and regulation-related — play second fiddle or are barely mentioned at all and presented with no effective follow-up. Forget not attention spans are very short and limited — every political operative and media consultant is well aware of this. Some of these issues include the following:
Anti-war positions; income inequality; cheap two-bit jobs with no benefits; pro-labor battles; homelessness; serious environmental challenge (fracking, getting off fossil fuels, etc.); the surveillance state; species extinction; the condition of America’s infrastructure; breaking up big banks; citizen debt; breaking up big media; regulating social media as a utility/net neutrality; too many citizens living as orphans of the courts; private prisons, probation and policing; ending the drug war and replacing police with social workers/job training programs; bringing back community hospitals, hardware stores or music stores … the list goes on and on an on!
Essentially, all we ever get from the two political parties are well-groomed, pedigreed politicians loyal to their political party and to the fundraising schemes and needs of donors. Read the 2014 Princeton Study on Oligarchy in America!
The Role of Liz Warren
Now comes Liz Warren — in league with Hillary Clinton — as an ace-in-the-hole, to help America’s oligarchy dispatch the greatest threat against it: The Political Revolution of Bernie Sanders!
Clinton political operatives still control the Democratic National Committee (DNC) which effectively functions as an Oligarch Protection Unit (OPU). For the 2020 election, the DNC has:
- Encouraged the number of closed primary states (where (Independent voters who favor Sanders can’t vote even though their taxes help pay for the election).
- Encouraged many of the 2016 pro-Sanders caucus states to become primary states for the 2020 election.
- Encouraged as many candidates as possible to enter the race in order to dilute the vote and prevent Sanders from running away with the nomination due to his excellent performance in the 2016 election. The DNC, on behalf of the OPU, has adopted an ‘Anybody-But-Bernie Sanders’ political strategy.
Although New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo has been aligned with Joe Biden, it won’t take him long to switch his allegiance to Liz Warren once Biden drastically fades in the race. Either way, the few Independent voters voting in the New York primary greater become the chances Sanders will be defeated.
Below, is perhaps the very best description of Liz Warren to date. The Ghion Journal article is followed by several other articles I’ve written that highlight the Warren candidacy: