Below is a compilation of songs written and performed in the spirit of anti-war, peace, love and understanding. Some are famous, some are my own. If you’re aware of similar songs, please post them in the comment section — ‘thanks!
Masters of War by Bob Dylan; performed by Michael Weddle (song begins with a long Moment of Silence)
The War Drags On by Donovan
The Chess Child by Michael Weddle
Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire
Sky Pilot by Eric Burden & The Animals
In The World by Michael Weddle
Working Class Hero by John Lennon; performed by Green Day
Living in A 911 World by Michael Weddle; performed by Climate Change
Scoundrels by Michael Weddle; performed by Climate Change
Founder of Boston’s Climate Change Band; former NH State Representative; Created Internet’s 1st Anti-War Debate; Supporter of Bernie Sanders & Standing Rock!