America’s Very Violent President
— Time for a morality check on the US presidency!
Donald Trump, when giving a speech in Florida this past May, asked his audience “how do we stop these people (immigrants)?”
Someone shouted from the audience, “shoot them!”
Trump, acknowledged this ignorant and insensitive remark with his own ignorant and insensitive laughter, quipping, “Only in the Panhandle! Only in the Panhandle can you get away with that!” The mesmerized audience broke into cheers, applause and even more ignorant and insensitive laughter.
Trump is also on record at a campaign rally in Iowa in 2016, stating “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
Folks, we have a US president who easily could be rated R for violence.
But this is only if you discount the Triple X-rated proclivities of Trump’s past behavior. It’s no wonder Trump was once mentored by mobster and alleged pedophile lawyer Roy Cohn; he’s more recently been associated with Blackwater mercenary soldier CEO Eric Prince and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein; and considers himself buddy-buddy with murderous dictators Benjamin Netanyahu and Mohammed Bin Salman.
Sorry Gun-related Statistics
Five of the top 10 deadliest shootings in U.S. history have occurred since 2016 when the full-blown Trump came onto the national political stage. There have been 250 mass shooting in the United States this year alone, and we’ve still got five months to complete the year!
Trump repeatedly deflects calls for gun control by blaming the problem on mental health. But, again, his actions do not match his words.
In Feb. 2017, Trump signed HJ Resolution 40 to end the Social Security Administration’s requirement for entering the names of people receiving mental health benefits into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the database used by the FBI to determine who can purchase weapons.
CNN produced some very interesting charts showing exactly how dangerous it is for our president to become loose-tongued and fancy-free with wrestling ring styled language in public forums. Why would any leader use threatening language against the backdrop as shown from the below charts:
Trump Respects Only Money and Power
Trump could care less that Saudi Arabia, since 2015, has daily and indiscriminately rained US-provided bombs upon innocent citizens in Yemen, he could care less that this combined with sanctions have killed 100,000 people and many are living under starvation conditions. He could care less the Saudis exploit impoverished Africans and private mercenary soldiers as a proxy army. Trump continues providing weapons to Saudi Arabia despite widespread worldwide opposition.
The median age (half older/half younger) of citizens of Yemen is 19.5, whereas the median age of Saudi Arabia is 31. 8 and it is 38.2 in the United States. Again, Trump could care less about the fate and well-being of people from Yemen.
Folks, I seriously think it’s time to stop voting for Republicans! Only Progressive Democrats who appeal to Independents can cure this. Centrist Democrats are just as bad as Republicans. Since JFK got shot it has been right wing Republicans and centrist Democrats who have ruled our nation.
Anyone else find Gallup’s monthly tracking data of political party registration shocking?