America’s Problem
— The Progressive Left got locked out of power after JFK was shot!
What should have happened after the JFK-inspired Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act never got to happen. America could have healed, its racial tensions eliminated. Strong unions could have secured meaningful workplace environments and diplomacy with other nations would have been guided by wisdom.
We should have become a society where The American Dream became shared domestically and inclusively by all people. Our leadership and influence could have spread this upon other nations. We could have become United Nations with the economic well-being of all became as an ultimate objective.
We should have evolved into a society whereby aliens from other planets could visit and find friends instead of enemies, where love, respect and hard work ruled the policy of our lands. Instead, today, they’d find only the power of hatred and greed, where war profiteering has supplanted the needs, goals and the intellect of our humanity.
Indeed, an alien visiting today would discover an America where most folks can’t afford, or have been conditioned not to pay, the cover charge to see an original rock band perform at a local club. They’d also find an oddball group attending the opera. They’d view our sports teams as preludes to war and, of course, they’d find war everywhere.
I’m reminded of the song by The Cars: “It’s All Mixed Up!”
Had John F. Kennedy not been shot, America might have followed with progressive populist presidents instead of proponents of oligarchy and the likes of extreme right-winger Donald J. Trump. No doubt. It became a grave mistake that Democrats abandoned the principles of George McGovern, the last progressive presidential nominee. They should have strengthened his ideals and kept fighting for peace. Instead, they became GOPwinger-Lite!
Also finding a fate similar to McGovern’s principles is the great work of the French revolutionaries and British poets of the late-1700s who once distributed and promoted pamphlets for liberty. You see, we, the people, lost our last line of defense when main media became monopolized. Our tidbits of social media continually prove insufficient.
Where have all the media’s ombudsmen gone? It is their absence and the downgrading of investigative journalism that helped to create Trump, the wrong kind of populist in politics!
Frankly, It’s Brutal!
America needs to wake up to the fact that Trump, his political operatives & golfing buddies have pulled together a phenomenal political coalition consisting of nearly 100 million Christian evangelists, tens of millions of WWE/UFC, NASCAR and NRA enthusiasts and they’re fervently hooked together with masses of Jerry Springer television adherents.
So long as economic equality issues — read: anti-oligarchy! — are stripped out of the political debate by the prevailing neoconservatives/neoliberals what with their lock on mainstream media, the far-right crowd described above will use god, gun, gay and immigration issues over and over in order to win national, state and local elections.
The demographics seem clear had it not been for Covid-19 killing off hundreds of millions of Americans, Trump, despite being the asshole he is, would have been re-elected. This was shown by how well the GOPwingers performed in the down-ballot races.
Forget not Barack Obama — elected largely due to the horror of Bush-Cheney — went on to lose Congress in the ensuing elections. In 2016, Clinton not only lost the presidency, the house and the senate, but over 1,200 elective offices nationwide, leaving 33 GOP-controlled states and 17 GOP veto-proof legislatures. Democrats, although they’ve made gains, still have not recovered from this.
It’s important to also factor how well mainstream media is perceived. Most people know that the news is legacy-controlled, where in the past it was generally covered. It was once less reliant upon government agencies and institutional think tanks. The fact is that today’s congress and today’s media serves oligarchy — everybody hates this! (see 2014 Princeton Study on Oligarchy)
America’s Problem
America, a capitalist system, is all about profiteering. The center-left, center-right and far-right have teamed together to keep this the ultimate goal of our nation. If wars or proxy wars become necessary? Not a problem! America has been at war for 93% of the time of its existence.
Progressives JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr., George McGovern, Jesse Jackson, Paul Wellstone, JFK, Jr. or Bernie Sanders could have changed the course of America’s reality to a point where we never would have seen the billionaire Donald Trump as president. Of the seven, two were assassinated by bullets and two were downed in plane crashes. ‘They’ attempted to scandalize or smear each of these very strong progressive voices in a variety of ways.
Let’s look at a March 27, 2019 CNBC poll of the progressive issues. Keep in mind that in the aftermath of Covid-19 support for these issues has markedly increased.
Crystal Ball for The Future — Nina Turner!
Women are winning the day and, frankly, they are despite the odds best suited to bring our nation and our planet into a better positioning. Fortunately, Trump is out of gas in a multitude of ways whether it be by aging or corruption. I suspect the far-right GOPwingers are now grooming South Dakota governor Kristi Noem to become the Trump replacement with Florida governor Ron DeSantis as her running mate.
If Democrats were smart they’d immediately begin coalescing their support behind the next powerhouse progressive politician who is in tune with the issues and fully understands the needs of humanity: