America’s Failed Global Leadership
— Donald Trump failed not only America, but the entire globe!
Failure is defined as the lack of success or the omission of expected or required action.
Former US president Donald Trump claimed the 2020 election was stolen from him. The hardnosed GOPwinger fictitiously claims he won the election. However, barebone facts of reality show Trump lost his presidency due to proven incompetence, especially in the area of public health. This was coupled to his personified bullyism.
Although America indeed wanted an “outsider” as US president, the last thing America needed when Trump got elected was the feel of another Richard Nixon — but that’s precisely what we got and it’s precisely why he was not re-elected. The nation should have elected Bernie Sanders — but that’s a whole ‘nother story!
The below statistics tell the Covid story. They will forever highlight the negative Trump presidency in the eyes of not only America’s electorate, but future historians.
Death Rate Numbers
It’s reported Mexico’s Covid death rate has now hit the 300,000 mark. Brazil is at 311,000 and the United States at 548,000. North, South and Central America account for 1,425,000 Covid deaths on the planet. The population of these northern and southern continental nations is a little over 1 billion people.
The Covid death figure for the remaining continents of the globe — Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia and Antarctica — is 1,355,000, this among 6.8 billion people.
Conclusion? America’s leadership under Trump, throughout the Covid tragedy, has been an abject failure and the numbers tell the story!
Trump Joined A Long Line of Presidential Failure
Were human rights a criterion for historical judgment, Trump is not the only US president who failed. Of all the modern day US presidents, it appears only two seemed genuinely to care about people.
It can be argued the last president who sincerely stood for and acted on behalf of human rights, on any meaningful scale, was Jimmy Carter. Blessed with a second term, JFK also would have been well-regarded on human rights, what with his intended positions on equality/civil rights, ending poverty, promoting heath care and his want to reduce powers of America’s Military-Industrial Complex (MIC).
Reasonably, it can be argued America’s MIC was instrumental preventing both JFK and Carter from achieving second term presidencies. JFK was shot and Carter got bamboozled from reelection by Hollywood celebrity Ronald Reagan and the US CIA chief George H.W. Bush — a Marvel Villain Team-Up the likes of which the world still has not yet recovered.
Pretty much, post-World War II, US presidents geopolitically have been warmongering death merchants. From an alien overview perspective, the recent Covid virus only compounds the larger problem of humankind’s inhumanity to humankind and the US — propagator of wars and provider of military weapons to over 70% of the world’s dictators — has failed miserably when it comes to leadership.
The Triumph of Oligarchy
Ever since the 1980 election of Reagan-Bush, the US has been on a roll on behalf of oligarchy. Today, CEO pay is up over 940% with increased productivity while worker pay has increased only 12%, this with fewer unions.
America’s foreign policy has been a successive series of proxy wars, government coupe d'états, the raping of Third World resources and exploitation of Third World labor. In short, indebting the smaller nations to the richer nations. On the domestic front, we’ve seen a parade of privatization and deregulatory schemes, a misbegotten drug war, media monopolization, the downfall and indebtedness of our middle class and poor folk left to survive on dead beat jobs within a dangerous underground economy.
Today, our hope has become not only trying to nab the right scratch ticket or lottery number, but also to hoping we or our family member and friends do not die from contracting the Coronavirus!
Given the state of our media and thanks to Trump, our perception of climate change has become limited. We’ve essentially become reduced to watching the YouTube storm chasers endanger themselves by tracking tornadoes and hurricanes. Our perception of species elimination seems to have become limited to bees only.
Thank you, Oligarchy!