A Failed Russiagate Means Democrats Must Now Support Bernie Sanders!
— Russiagate wasn’t all it was originally cracked up to become!
Lots of information surrounding the faulty claims of Russiagate, its bombshell whimpering and aberrant investigation as a whole will spill into the 2020 campaign season. Democrats effectively shot themselves in the foot, not only by providing Trump with timely counter-attack material, but also due to the following:
Democrats pushing Russiagate allegations widely opened the door for Trump to silence Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange whose voice for political transparency has been silenced since Trump assumed the presidency. Having spectacularly exposed Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden administrations — precisely what a strong journalist must do! — Assange has had no opportunity to expose anything Trump-Pence. Given Assange’s worldwide connections, he likely would have found more against the Trump administration than did the Mueller Investigation which was politically hamstrung as it barked up the wrong trees.
Are we about to find out why the FBI investigation against Hillary Clinton was named “Mid-Year Exam” and the FBI investigation against Donald Trump was named “Crossfire Hurricane?” This, in itself, is telling. Will we eventually learn who was offered immunity in both investigations and why? And why has no mainstream investigative journalist dug deep into this subject?
For three years, I’ve ceaselessly warned my Democratic friends that Russiagate was a folly. The investigation and sensationalism served only as a distraction meant to cover over serious issues like why the 2016 election was rigged (by both political parties); the media’s role building up Trump during the early election cycle; it was a bid to keep Hillary Clinton politically viable; and Russiagate has also served as a convenient corporate build-up vehicle for successive anti-Russian Pentagon budgets well in excess of 700 billion dollars.
The Democratic leadership and political operatives also felt they had gained a convenient mechanism for politically attacking Trump by making him seem all ‘buddy-buddy’ with Vladimir Putin, but not once asking the question: Are Putin’s policies worse than those of America’s John Bolton? Did they ever consider that a review of Putin’s last two state of the union speeches relative to domestic policy actually shows Putin as a better Democrat than Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer?
Name of the game today seems: Never let logic and sound governance get in the way of political opportunism! After all, is it not the job and duty of all good Americans to bow to the will of America’s Oligarch Protection Unit? The good cop (D) and bad cop (R) duopoly persists no matter who dies or gets taken down along the way.
What’s ironic is for all of the wasted energy of pushing Russiagate, Republicans presently lead Democrats in voter registrations 29% to 27%. Meanwhile, Independent voters — who are largely attracted to Bernie Sanders — hover around the 40% mark (see Gallup voter registration monthly tracking).
Anyway, it’s best for Democrats to now get behind Bernie Sanders who had absolutely nothing to do with Russiagate and the resultant political cesspool spawned from media sensationalism. We need a government for the people, and Sanders will deliver!
Consider what’s coming down the pike: